Season Եհɾҽҽ: RUNAWAY

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Choji: So what do we do now?

Kiba: "We move out,".

Neji: Very helpful, thank you.


The Yamanaka Château was not as standard than they'd thought. Every border of the house was made with fine timber covered with blanched wallpapers, even paintings which consisted of the ancestors Ino barely knew. One of them was the High Priest they've encountered who had predicted Naruto's death, Sakura recalled, whom she heard had recently passed away. The tips of her fingers brushed part of the frame, admiring her family's devotedness to their predecessors.

Almost everyone were gathered at Ino's place. Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba, Lee and Neji. Shino couldn't come due to his plans with the wedding,TenTen was studying at the Tea Country, Sai was busy keeping tracks with his priorities with the ANBU, while Naruto and Hinata were nowhere to be found. This relieved the pinkette for quite some time, since she could not bring herself into facing the knucklehead delivering the news: buckle up, we're getting married. He was a very good man, but the thought would never cross her mind--becoming his lawfully-headed-wife, otherwise she knew they were just going to go back from where they've started; causing a damage to his heart. She'd already loaded him with her lies, including one having professed that she loved him. But what if she truly did? What if the two of them were the ones being impuded by Tsunade? Was it because she was afraid everything in this world was crumbling down she didn't want these feelings to get in the way?

Damn, she was doing it again. Dragging herself towards her best friend, in order to please Mebuki and Kizashi. They've always assumed they were more than just being a team. She always sleeps at his apartment not less than twice a week, to make fun of everything at all, and sometimes he'd even let her wear his jacket to prevent her from the cold. This was something she hasn't recieved much comments from her parents, which was unusual. And now that there's two of them left in a three-men-squad(without concluding Sai, Yamato or Kakashi), they were building up too fast their relationship had been expanded, which was now being rumored at the village since Naruto would beat the crap out of a guy who would even try to touch her, again, which she never knew. Perhaps it was because the boy was somehow paranoid he would someday lose her. So he vowed to himself that he would always protect her--save her from the hideous bastards like Sasuke, or whoever that were trying to steal his precious Cherry Blossom--and he was right.

Trying to neglect these pieces of denial, she rubbed her forehead as she sat at the cotton davenport next to Neji.

"So you and Naruto, huh?" Neji asked, standing and leaning against the edge of the couch with his arms crossed, calm and tranquil as ever.

"We've never had a fresh start."

Ino stood over the fridge wearing an apron, her hair tied in a low ponytail that coated the rest of her left shoulder--more importantly the curse. "All of us are. And may I just remind you Neji, that your dad was a dick and he's responsible for all of this crap." She didn't even know she had one, but one thing Sakura told her was she had a huge scar on the nape and she wouldn't want anyone to see it.

"He's my uncle." He just said.

"Whatever. I'm still gonna call him what I damn well please." Her gums have been aching again, and she finds it strange to smell the scent of humanblood again. She could hear it flowing too, like the blaring stream of water coming down from a cascade. "Do you guys have any cranberry juice or something?"

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