Season ƒօմɾ: AU REVOIR

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Rin: Keep it moving, Barney!

Kisame:Kid, NOT COOL.


Season Four: Au Revoir

Temari hadn't slept with any boys before, neither her brothers, which is why the morning had grown exceedingly remorseful and full of shame for her in the first place. Second, she wasn't even allowed to.

"Come on, Shikamaru, wake up!" Said the Suna girl. Angered, she shove off their blanket revealing his bare chest and ripped boxers. Being a lazy boy he was, he just burried his face into the pillow and drifted back to sleep.

Temari scratched her head. Both of them obviously aren't a morning person.

Wearing nothing but a tank top, she scurried into the backyard looking for Naruto. She didn't mind the hugger-mugger figure she strutted, considering the place could've caused more jungle agglomeration rather than her summer look. Trashes littered everywhere. There were balloons scattered all over the grass, cups, shredded curtains, alchohol dispersed—almost as if the pool looked like a river where in people could dump and throw their garbage anywhere. Atleast, that was the sudden sense of wasted youth that seemed so noticable. A straw in the wind. The terror of unseen things from last night's slam-bang valentine bash. More likely it was due to the inconvenience of her trip in locating the fox boy.

There he was, snoring like a broken generator.

"Damn you all." She sighed. She knows yelling at him is pointless, so she got close, clipped his nose and enclosed his mouth.

Poof. It was a fucking clone.

Temari cursed him invectively. Cranning her neck side to side, there he was, sleeping above the branches. There was a sticky note on his forehead, indicating Hinata must've fled to her home. Poor fella.

"I've had enough of you two for the rest of the morning."

She bit her lip, drawing blood, as she summoned her giant wicked fan and waved it into the air. "Wind Style: Swirling Tornado jutsu!"

It hadn't been full ten minutes before the boys have quickly sprung into their feet, disrupted by the violent storm hovering in their feet. Shikamaru was so dozed up that Temari had to splash him with cold water. This is why alarm clocks would have been significant, he thought.The three had gotten into their individual bathrooms, as much as Shikamaru offered the Sand-nin to join her. A smack landed in his head as he felt awake for the first time. "What was that for??" He asked. Up so close Temari could feel the sweet, galling whiff of alchohol tingling her under his breath.

"For sleeping with me without my permission." She said as she threw him a towel. Naruto was still rubbing his eyes, unmindful of the faded lines traced into his skin. "Now get your asses into the shower or else you two won't stand a day with the Hokage. "

Tick tock. One word and the doors were locked. Such puerile behavior doesn't sound pleasing to the old woman.

And Gaara, she thought. When she glanced at her phone, there were 9 voicemails from Kankuro and 48 missed calls from Gaara. How convenient. She was about to dial the sandman when a swirling rotation had traced her feet, like woozy indistinct part of mild nausea. Feeling vertiginous, she ran into the ladies' comfort room and threw up.

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