VI: Torment

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QOTC: You know what Sakura? I love Konoha. I really do. But you see, there'd been complications. I don't want to get on that part on my brother, so unless you want to cooperate I suggest you hurry up there or I won't be able to prevent myself from doing something... Crazy.

- Sasuke


Chapter 6: Torment

Completely enervated, Sakura sunk deep into the water, drowning her thoughts deep into the surface of the bathtub. Then she rose again, inhaling the bubbles. It felt so relaxing, releasing all the pressure on her body. She looked like a pellucid being, an angel that was sent down on earth that was casted with a heavy downfall. And here she was, spending an amaranthine in freedom. She felt like she was in Eden. She felt she was discharged from all the troubles of the universe.

There was a swoop movement that winded past her hair, and Sakura just smirked identifying the drifter's Chakra. "Took you long enough."

Sasuke crouched himself behind the sliding door of the bath tub, his back against it. It was Sakura alright, and of course she hadn't seen him in ages but he used to pussyfoot all the way to Konoha... To make sure she wasn't going anywhere; because the whole aspiration of rebuilding his clan would be in vain if he doesn't make a move. But it would kill him to be so obvious about it. "Hn," The Raven said. "You know I don't like to keep myself waiting."

"And it has to be now?" Sakura folded her arms covering her bust, and it looks like a headache was about to run into her temples. She'd forgotten how persistent the darn Uchiha had gotten nowadays. Her heart was throbbing fast that it was about to pop out of her naked chest, and she hated herself for that. It was Uchiha Sasuke. Kamisan, how was she supposed to react?

"I figure you have no intentions of showing up this morning, and I didn't get myself wrong." He could still hear the loud, roaring sound of water plummetting in white sheets. "I have to admit, human form suits you better than I'd imagined, Sakura."

Who knew the jerk could be so talkative??? "And he talks. What did Orochimaru do to you?"

"I mean it. You sitting there all by yourself, weak. Vulnerable. It works."

It was atleast, not anything vulgar like naked. All this form of negativity was drowning her fidgets that she wanted so much to duck underwater, and she might as well stroke due to the Uchiha's stupid pertinacity. So stupid! She should have called Shikamaru and the others in just one button, yet her phone was at the opposite side of the tub. So if she would rise and do a slightest bit of motion, she was certain bad things would happen. Damn this Uchiha, trying to corner her to stick with his proposal!

And this time she wasn't planning on begging him not to leave. He could sweep his bags and wipe her ass, but she made it clear that she didn't want anything to do with him anymore. NOTHING.

Babe, just look at him. It's a sexy back he has there. Shut your mouth will you?? "I told you. I'm not gonna do it. I won't lose my friends all for the sake of a person who wanted me dead."

"You get to be with the winning side. Don't be stupid."

Instead of taking it seriously, Sakura just shrugged and convinced herself that this was his way of manipulating people. "And what happens if I say no? Are you gonna knock me off again this time?" She couldn't even believe how she fell for this guy in the first place. She must be delirious. More than ever, she was having a serious crappy day and this guy was not only trying to blackmail her but he was halfway there in crossing her private territory! "You know what Sakura? I love Konoha. I really do. But you see, there'd been complications. I don't want to get on that part on my brother, so unless you want to cooperate I suggest you hurry up there or I won't be able to prevent myself from doing something... Crazy."

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