-Booyakasha- Reacts to KotLC Lodestar Cover

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WARNING:  Haven't seen the cover to Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities Lodestar and for some reason don't want um ... spoilers?  Don't continue reading.  Also, read Neverseen first, or you'll be in for one heckuva spoiler and you'll be incredibly confused/pissed off.


I'm only putting this space so if you're reading the beginning part and realized you didn't want to see the cover, you wouldn't have to see it right away unintentionally, and so anyone who wants to see my rambling will have to scroll down.



Oh—here is it!

Yeah, so I'm pretty sure you guys have already seen the cover, I mean, a bunch of writers are putting it up in their stories and Shannon Messenger has it on every single one of her social media websites

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Yeah, so I'm pretty sure you guys have already seen the cover, I mean, a bunch of writers are putting it up in their stories and Shannon Messenger has it on every single one of her social media websites.  The reason why I even put this up here is well...because I'm reacting to it.  AND NO, this is not a react where the characters from KOTLC react to the cover, this is me and just what I thought and noticed.  Also, do me a favor and please answer my Question Of The Day's in the comment—I wanna know what you guys think!  

1.  Sophie looks so strong and mature!

My, my, my, look how far our little snowflake has come...and she's only 14!  Sophie's come a long way from the girl on the cover of Keeper of the Lost Cities (Book 1).  She looks so powerful, and kick butt, and to be honest—OMG guys, I just realized something!  I totally thought Sophie looked familiar on this cover—and I just figured out why!  She looks exactly like my 7th grade Math teacher (who made me repeat the class ... )*sobs*



Question #1 Of The Day:  Anyone have any theories on why she's [Sophie] wearing gloves? Tam seems to be wearing them too, but not Fitz.  Weird.  Also, got any speculations on why Sophie's wearing a black cloak?  It could be nothing, but she doesn't seem to be a typical 'black-cloak-everyday wearer'.

I really love Sophie on this cover.  I think Jason Chan did so well, and Shannon Messenger, you are so lucky to have such an amazing cover artist!

2.  TAM.  

HOLY #&@$!?! Tam looks insanely HOT!  Like, seriously, like, rivaling Keefe hot.  :O  I guess that means the Song twins are definitely up for more in Lodestar—character development YAY!  *goes back to staring at his gorgeousness* 

Question #2 Of The Day:  Do you think Tam wearing all black is just because he's a Shade? Or are they doing some kind of Neverseen base infiltration? 

3.  Um ... Fitz is that you? 

I mean—you look so different—and the good-insanely-hot different! :D  Like, I wasn't a total fan of Fitz's look in Book 3—maybe because he was upside down—but he looks awesome in Book 5. But the only problem I have with his appearance is that he looks too different.  You might disagree with me, but I know for a fact Shannon Messenger wanted the characters to grow up on the cover of the books—so maybe only slight changes were in action.  But Fitz changed a lot!  Puberty must have hit you hard, brah, and in the best way possible.  Btw, what are you wearing?  It looks a brown blob.  XD Also, this is random, but this Fitz is exactly how I imagine Declan from The Good Girl's Bad Boys (written by RubixCube89201 here on Wattpad—go read it now!  It's so amazing) to look, so ... yeah.  

Question #3 Of The Day:  Is Fitz's hair really that tall, or is it, like air rushing past his hair, blowing it back?  

4.  Mr. Neverseen Shadow Figure Person

Guys, I am very worried that that Neverseen Dude is Keefe—like, really worried.  I honestly have no evidence to back up this belief, but this is just my Keefe-feels kicking in, hoping the dude's somewhere on the cover—not that I want everyone to be pissed off at him, especially Sophie.  I saw someone on Tumblr speculating that it's Ruy—and that totally makes sense too—read on to find out why I think that.

5.  Let's Get Serious—I Mean With What's Going On With Fitz and Tam

From what I can see, Tam and Fitz are the only ones trapped in this golden cylindrical thingy—which I can only assume is a force field created by a Psionopath.  I think it might have been created by Ruy (who I think is Mr. Neverseen Shadow Figure Person (this totally voids my Keefe-being-the-Neverseen-figure-theory, but whatevs (oh wait, what if it is Keefe, and he used some kind of gadget to make a force field?)), since he's a Psionopath and all, but I have no idea why.  It looks like Fitz and Tam are trying to get out, hence Fitz looking like Zeus or something, shooting lightning out of his palms (I can only speculate the lightning sparks would be because he was trying to break through the force fields), and Tam looking like he's about to kill someone with his golden fists (again, why is he wearing gloves?), trying to break through.  The only problem is, we can't see Fitz's other arm (well, I can't), so I have no idea if Fitz is actually in the so-called force field.

Question #4 Of The Day:  Can Psionopaths create force fields for people other than themselves?  I don't remember if this was touched upon in Neverseen, so someone refresh me.  If they can't, well my idea is totally nullified.  

6.  Sophie—What You Doin', Girl?

Well, I think she's telling Mr. Neverseen to get Fitz and Tam out of the force field.  Still don't know why she's in a dramatic pose, though—but, hey!  She looks cool!

7.  The Setting

I don't know about this, guys.  There's mossy-vine thing on one of the windows—and I don't know if elves would typically have moss growing on their fancy stuff.  Maybe they're in one of the other intelligent species homes?  Maybe even in the Forbidden Cities?  I dunno guys, I dunno.

- - - - 

Okay, that was probably confusing as hell, but let me remind you I am merely running on post-epic-fangirling session adrenaline, so I have not really paid attention to my grammar.  Yeah, so if you guys have any other theories, feel free to comment below—and also check out my new story—it's a romance—called Romeo and Juliet Reimagined 2016.

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