Always Fighting

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Troy's POV

I walked in theater class, and picked a seat, put my books and pencils on the desk and waited for Newt to come cause we both picked the same class, all of a sudden Sophie walks in, oh man, why , why , why, this girl, she's so mean to me all the time!

Sophie takes a seat next to Troy,

And of course she sits next to me, so she can easily make her jokes all the time!

"Sophie, I was saving this seat for Newt!"

"Yeah, I don't care!" she said and got her books out.

Unbelievable! She will make me feel awful all the time , for a whole semester! Great just great!

Newt walks in.

"Hey, Troy did you save me a seat?"

"Yes, but you were too late man! Too late! i told him pointing at Sophie with a glance.

"Ohh,okay then I'll just sit somewhere else where i can have a visual of the front seats.

I turned on my left to Sophie

"How come you chose Theater this semester?"

"I read that acting helps on cheerleading, why do you care Troy?"

"Just asking, it's really a joy to have you in class" i responded with an ironic look on my face

"It really does! said Newt who listened to Sophie, "I know this from Asha, actually she's the main reason i joined this class. I mean look at her! She's so pretty!" and he pointed at Asha who was sitting in the front seats.

"My boy learns fast!"

Sophie gave me a weird look and started writing something on her notebook!

Sophie's POV

Why did I enter this class, I can't stand Troy, or Newt or anyone in here, Pepper was right, I should have taken Art class again, this will be so boring, and we will have to learn stuff about the history of theater, someone please help me!

All of a sudden a super handsome boy enter the class, he was tall, blond with blue eyes and he was wearing awesome clothes, all the girls started looking at him,

"Hello young man, are you searching for your class?"

"Yes , Theater class actually"

"Oh then you're in the right place, said Mrs Snow, and asked him, to seat in the first row of desks. "What's your name?"

"Jason" he replied and he looked around awkwardly cause all the girls were starring at him.

"Well, this just got better!

Troy looked at me angrily and then at Newt, who was all worried cause the new guy sat next to Asha.

"He's not that good looking!

"Troy, are you kidding, he's like a young Leonardo DiCaprio! Oh my god, I'm so losing Asha!

"True story, but he might be stupid, so let's give him some time to express himself" i responded as usually really handsome boys tend to be immature and incredibly big jerks.

"Now, everyone please be quiet,I want you to open your books on page 7 and start reading silently, the paragraph on ancient theaters architecture"

Troy started mumbling the words while he was reading


"She said silent!"


"The teacher said silent reading!

"Yes Sophie,I know, Duh!

"But yet you're not reading silently, now stop mumbling!"

Troy kept reading and mumbling again but this time it seemed even louder

"Stop it! Troy! i whispered

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath and i grabbed Troy's book and put it under my desk

"Now let's see, how you will silent read without this! " and i showed him his book.

"Sophie give me back my book!"

i pretended I wasn't listening and I kept reading my book

"Sophie, I'm coming there to get it! Sophie! Im talking to you"

I kept ignoring him as much as i could.

Troy's POV

I crawled slowly on the floor and got closer to Sophie's desk, tried to grab the book, but Sophie was holding it, with her hand.

"Give me the book now, c'mon Sophie, don't be so mean"

We started fighting over the book, and i pulled it fast and fell down under my desk with a loud bang following my fall.

Whole class looked at us!

"Dixon, Delarosa, what is going on with you two?" Mrs Snow screamed!

We both start yelling at each other at the same time, 

"He started it!" Sophie said and pointed he finger in my face.

"She started it!" i responded 

She looked at me with so much hate and my reaction was exactly the same.

"I really don't care who started this, but I know you're both getting detention"

"WHAT? we both said at the same time.

"But, but.. she, took it, from me, this is not fair" i said trying to get myself out of this but it was simply useless.

"Well you weren't reading silently" Sophie said to me.

I looked at her again

"Look what you did

"This is all your fault!"

"No it's your fault!"

"Your fault!"

"Hey guys so this is a trophie fanfic, hope you like it, i cant write it very fast but i have the plot in my head so it will happen, sorry if my english are super wrong sometimes im greek"

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