a new life

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Clary's p.o.v:
"Jace," I shook jace, waiting for a response. I was currently in Magnus' apartment, and while Magnus was healing jace, I was coming up with a plan. "Please, jace. Just open one eye, or move. I need  you." No response once again. I sludged back to the couch, thinking of a new plan. Without jace, my plan wouldn't work,  so I had to create a new one with only one person. But, without me knowing if  or when jace would wake up, my mind was boggling. "Ugh, why couldnt the demons have attacked later, or never? Like now, of all worst times." I sighed, giving up on myself. "Clary, I know you're stressed out, but we can-" I interrupted Magnus. "You know what, I'm just going to track those demons. The more time I waste, the farther I will get from finding our kids" I grabbed my coat, and kissed jaces head. "Tell me if he wakes up, send a fire message to me or something." Waving goodbye, I headed out of the glamoured apartment.
I portaled myself in Alicante, where Izzy told me the demons got past the wards, again. The air was filled with smoke, and all I could hear were screams. I reapplied my runes, making sure I wouldn't mess up my new tracking rune. I closed my eyes, waiting for an image to appear. Nothing. Making sure I wasnt near anyone, I tried again. This time, I saw a demon carrying 2 babies towards a mountain. I realized that was brocelind plain, which was sort of near by. Remembering what brocelind plains looked like, I portaled there, ready to get our kids back.
As I walked along the plain, I kept on sawing a faint shadow. I followed the shadow, but it would lead me to no where. "ClaryI turned around, where a demon was standing in front of me. I grabbed my seraph blade, ready to fight. The demon shot venom near me, but none got on me. I jumped up, and brought the seraph blade on the side of its face. A big slash whipped me back, and a scream came out of the demon. I looked behind me and saw another demon, twice the size of me. I charged towards it, but it just roared and ran off. The other demon, came back at me, spitting more venom, except this time, it got on me. Pain seared through my arm as venom splattered on it, making my runes dissapear. My energy level dropped as soon as the demon came towards me again. I ran around it, distracting it. Before I could jump on the tree near by, a scream erupted. I jumped aside, as the demon screamed again, and it started to die slowly. Just to finish it off, I swung myself over the tree and stabbed the demon in the back, ichor sputtering everywhere. My seraph blade had blood all over it, most of it was the demons though. I sprinted to the demons hiding spot and saw 2 babies, both of which were disturbing. Blood was on both faces, along with scratches all along the body. I grabbed both of them, careful not to deepen any more cuts. The babies were asleep, but I was scared that they weren't sleeping but that they were dead. My eyes filled with tears as I portaled back to the apartment.
"Magnus, please save your energy.  My twins are much more injured." I held both kids out as Magnus took them ands told me the verdict about jace. "He has a very mild concussion, he may be out for weeks. He'll sleep a lot, and he won't eat at all. And I'm afraid, he will have to stay with me." My eyes met magnus'. "As for your future shadowhunters, I don't know if there's much I can do." Magnus's face turned pale. "Jace may never get to see his kids again."

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