Chapter 9

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Drake looked at Alice, his face wet with fresh tears. “Hey Drake…” Alice whispered, her eyes looking down. When I looked between the two, Alice finally looking up, I noticed the scary resemblance. “Is… is what you said really true? Was… was the family really torn away when I left?” Alice asked, her voice shaking. I heard Drake take a deep, shuddering breath, and I squeezed his hand to give him courage and comfort. 

“Yes.” He said, voice strong. “When you left, every person in the family was depressed. Mom could barely stand to look at me, be around me, because I looked too much like you.” Alice looked broken, and she reached out to touch Drakes arm, but he flinched away. 

“I- I wanted to come back… but I couldn’t.” she whispered, eyes averted from Drake. His eyes flashed with anger, but I squeezed his hand again and he composed himself, at least on the outside. 

“Why? Why couldn’t you come home?! You don’t even UNDERSTAND the pain you caused our family. Were you trying to break us apart?! You said you loved us, but if you loved us you wouldn’t have left us!” Drake yelled, shaking with anger. Alice’s eyes were full to the brim with tears. 

“I tried to go back, but it was like I was STUCK! It was like I- I couldn’t leave” Alice’s voice cracked, as the tears she was trying to hold in, poured out. “I’m sorry Drake. I’m so, so sorry! I know I should’ve listened to you, but I… I needed time and space. And now… Drake, about slapping you… I don’t even remember that. I don’t know what was wrong with me, to make me crazy enough to slap you though. I- I really am sorry.” 

I scrunched my eyebrows with confusion. “How can you not remember? Unless… What about… you’ve never done drugs have you?” I asked worriedly, looking at Alice with my eyes wide. 

“Um… No. I’ve never done drugs, and never will.” She replied, staring at me weirdly. 

Drake laughed then said, “Sweetie, Drugs don’t do anything to vampires. I mean they might if you take them in LARGE quantities… but other than that, they don’t do a thing. And neither does alcohol unless, like drugs, you drink a large quantity of the alcohol.” Part of me was glad about the whole drug/alcohol, and the other part of me was scared. What if they were wrong? “What’s the matter” Drake asked, having sensed my worry. 

Before I could answer, Grace and Will appeared from who knows where, with a smile upon their face. “So, how about me looking at your hand?” Will asked, a flash of humor in his eyes. I slowly reached out, and he took my hand, studying it carefully. Seconds later, he looked up his smile bright. “Well,” he said confidently. “Only vampires who truly have all the powers have the sign, and you obviously have it.” I quickly took my hand back and started staring at it, wondering what ‘sign’ he was talking about. Finally, I noticed it. At the base of my middle finger, there was a quarter moon that was sparkling every color known to man, and many more than that. 

“Whoa…” I whispered, a smile creeping on my face. 

“Where? Where? Let me see!” Drake said excitedly, his voice like a little kids at a carnival. But, when he looked at where the moon was, his face showed confusion as if he couldn’t see it. That’s when Will cut in. 

“Sorry Drake. Only full power vampires can see the signs of power. But your Nicky here, she is much different than normal all-power vampires. Those usually have the color blue as their sign. She has every color there could possibly be! See, look at mine.” The last thing Will had said, was directed to me, not Drake. When I looked at his outstretched hand, I saw his ‘blue moon’ and looked between our two hands again and again. 

“Wait… so what’s the difference between both of our powers?” I asked. Will smiled and then laughed. 

“Well, it’s way too much to list. Except for the fact that I know, that you could possibly be the most powerful vampire I have ever seen!” He replied. “But, I’ll also say this. Once you have found your soul mate, you will be able to do anything you could possibly imagine, and more.” Drake squeezed my hand, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. For some reason, at this moment, I didn’t really want to be a vampire.

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