Chapter 21

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{Explicit language warning}

Shion gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath as his thumb was cut the fourth time. "Fucking hell.."

He was cutting onions with a large knife. The boys had trusted him with it; for some odd reason. Shu was laying on the counter; once again for some odd reason, and Shion ended up having to work around him. He wanted to push him off, but knew that wouldn't end well. So, he swallowed his comments and focused on the food.

It had been almost exactly three months since Ayato died and it was almost as if the Sakamaki's were still grieving. Raito and Kanato were the worst out of all; even worse then Shion.

Raito had practically lost his best friend. Shion didn't notice how close they were; until he noticed the dirty looks Raito gave him. The looks of pure hatred. Kanato was scared of him now.

After all, he changed.

His eyes remained red ever since that day. His attitude? Shion was angry and upset all the time. Only when he was alone was it convenient for him to cry. Shion was lost in his own thoughts now. His gaze was on the onions, but his mind wasn't.

Suddenly, Shu snapped him out of his thoughts. "Why does it take you so long to cook?" He sat up and raised an eyebrow at the white haired boy.

Shion didn't even glance up. "Because. Why is it that you have to be in the way, hm?" He had put the knife down and looked at Shu with an eyebrow raised.

"Tch.." Shu sucked his teeth and scooted off the counter.

Then suddenly, he was behind Shion. An arm was around his waist as the other held the arm that had tried to stab him. Shu heard a growl come from Shion's throat as his free hand slowly slid up his front. Two of his fingers gently tilted his head and his tongue ran along the corner of his neck.

Another growl erupted from Shion and he clenched his fists. Slowly, he felt Shu's fangs sink into the pale flesh and with a sigh, he knew he had lost. Soft groans and little whimpers tried to escape Shu. Shion stayed quiet and his body relaxed as he waited.

Until he felt the need to speak. "You're a moron. I hate when you do this."

Shu pulled away for a moment. "Whoops." He licked at the wound and growled in Shion's ear. "I like how you taste.. Much better than before."

Shion glanced up at him only to move out of his grip and continue cooking. "Yea, whatever." He looked back at him and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you going to just sit there?"

Shu stared at him for a moment before turning and walking out. Suddenly, he felt someone press against his back and he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Honestly! I can't even cook for two seconds! What the hell?!" He turned around sharply and his rant was suddenly stopped by a pair of lips upon his own.

His hand raised to strike down, but was quickly gripped in a large hand. His eyes widened when he saw who it was.

It was Ruki.

Shion quickly used all the force he could and pushed away from Ruki. Just this one man brought back such horrible memories. Yet, he was standing there calmly. Meanwhile, Shion was leaning against a wall, clutching his chest and panting heavily. His red glare landed on Ruki and a growl bubbled in his throat.

"Now, Now. Don't be like that, Shion." Ruki took a step forward.

"Don't fucking come near me. Don't touch me." Shion clenched his fists.

"I want to talk.. After all, I deserve it after you killed my partner." A smug grin was on Ruki's face.

Shion's pupils shifted into cat like slits as his eyes widened. "I..I didn't kill him! That wasn't me! Y-You wouldn't know!"

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