Chapter 14

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"What the hell did you do to him?!" Subaru yelled in response as he stormed toward Reiji.

Shion was just sitting on the floor in fear. His eyes wide and fearful as Shu went over to him.

"Are you okay?" Shu asked as he helped Shion stand up.

Shion nodded with a small breath of relief. He felt odd. He didn't feel as if he was normal anymore.

"Wow.. You sure did change a lot.." Shu stated as he examined Shion's face.

Shion was curious what he meant by that. So, he went over to a mirror and looked into it. The sight brought a gasp to leave his lips and his eyes to tear up.

He no longer had the brown locks that he had before. His hair was practically white now. His eyes were a totally different story. One was his original blue color. However, the other eye was a bright golden color. His pupils now like a cats eye slit then a round normal one. He stepped back in fear and looked at Shu. Then at Reiji.

This was the first time in a while that Shion became violent.

Shion stomped over to Reiji and shoved Subaru off him. Reiji began to stand up, but Shion pushed him back onto the floor and kept him there. He held him down on the floor by his throat. Shion's show pressed against his neck as he yelled.

"What did you do to me?! What did you do to my body?!" Shion practically screamed his question.

"You're a vampire. It's as simple as that." Reiji replied calmly.

"That's a complete lie. You know that, Reiji." Shu claimed. "Why don't you just tell him? Before he kills you."

"Well, he's definitely much stronger than I thought." Reiji assumed as he looked up at Shion.

Shion simply just glared down at him. He never once removed his foot from his throat.

"Tell me.." Shion's voice grew threatening. To the point where even Raito looked surprised.

"Fine." Reiji looked over at the boys and asked his question calmly. "You all remember Carla and Shin, correct?"

The four boys hesitated before nodding. Which made Shion curious.. Who were they?

"It was simple.. I took blood from them and infused it with mine. Few steps later, I created the liquid that was in the vile and gave it to Shion." Reiji looked back at Shion with a small chuckle. "You're half us, half werewolf like they are."

Shion's eyes widened and he took a step back. That would explain his two different eye colors; but the hair? Why was it suddenly white?

"You ass.." Subaru cursed under his breath as he huffed.

Reiji finally stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Now, Shion is still perfectly capable of being fed off of. I actually believe the taste will be better than before. However, I just hope you know.. I would not do this without reason." And with those, he turned his back and walked away.

Shion was staring at the floor in disbelief. Not only did he look different, he was completely different. He bit down on his bottom lip and furrowed his eyebrows.

Blood dripped from his lip.. That's right, he had fangs.

Raito walked over to him and held him by his shoulders. With a small evil chuckle, he leaned forward and licked up the trail of blood that started from his chin to the corner of his lip. Shion pushed his face away and stomped off with a grumble.

He was not in the mood.

Just what actually was he now? Not completely human, that's obvious.

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