Chapter 19

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{Warning: There will be Sexual content in this chapter. So if you don't like it, please don't read.}

"Dammit Shion... What happened?" Ayato asked softly and calmly.

Half an hour after Ayato first arrived, they were still in the same spot. Ayato sitting up in the ground with Shion between his legs.

What was surprising, was that Shion had calmed down so quickly when Ayato was holding him. Yet, he still refused to talk.

"Shion.. Come on. Tell me. What's going on? Why are you so upset?" Ayato questioned as he raised an eyebrow. "You're strong. You're not like this. What happened?"

Shion took a deep breath and hid his face back in Ayato's shoulder. "I.. Ayato I killed someone.. I don't know if it was out of blind rage or.." With another deep breath, Shion grit his teeth. "S-Subaru.. I killed.. I killed him."

Ayato's eyes widened and he frowned heavily. He wouldn't believe that Shion did it willingly. Something must have happened.

Then it hit him.

It was something that Reiji said during the two months Shion was out. He could remember his words almost clearly.

"What will wake up, I don't know. Whether it will be the Shion we know, or a creature that thrives for violence, I'm not sure. All I know, is that Shion won't be the same again. Even if he seems normal, people will die because of him."

"Shion.. Shion, we gotta fix you somehow. I'm not letting you stay like this." Ayato finally declared.

This surprised Shion. He moved from his shoulder and looked into his green eyes.

Who knew this red head was so serious?

"Where's Reiji? Where are the others?" Ayato began to stand up.

Then, that's when a blur shot in front of Shion's eyes and the next thing he saw, was Shu slamming Ayato into the wall. Shu's eyes wide with anger and his eyebrows furrowed. Ayato was gripping and pawing at Shu's hands to try and break the grip he had on his neck.

"S-Shu!" Shion called out as he shakily went over to him; only to suddenly be held back by Reiji.

"Well.. Ayato finally decided to show then? Honestly, a brother shouldn't leave for that long without telling me, Ayato!" Shion heard Raito speak in a devilish tone.

"Get off of him!" Shion suddenly yelled as he stared at Shu. "Get off!"

Shu simply growled and tightened his grip; his sapphire gaze never leaving Ayato's.

"Fine.. I see." Shion closed his eyes and suddenly snapped them back open. With a grin, he looked back at Reiji. "Please do let me go. This is the one time I'll ask nicely. You saw what I did to Subaru, didn't you?"

Reiji's eyes widened as he suddenly let him go. How.. Out of all things, could Shion say that so easily?

"What.. What does he mean? What did he do to Subaru?!" Ayato gasped out his words. Shu had loosened his grip. "What does he mean?!"

Shion began stalking over to Shu. His hands clenched into fists and his eyes flaming with anger. "Let him go, Shu."

Shu pulled out the silver dagger and flipped it in his hands, a devilish smirk playing on his lips. Shion's eyes widened as Shu raised the dagger above his head and aimed it at Ayato's chest. Shion screamed as Shu brought it back down.

Yet, it didn't land where he wanted it to.

A hand had shot out and took the thrust of the dagger into his palm. Drops of dark red blood dripped onto the floor as Ayato was dropped. Shion's eyes became wide and filled with tears at who he was staring at.

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