Chapter 5

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"Tsk, that bastard!"

"Ayato did that.. Didn't he..?"

Shion huffed and looked in the mirror once again at the dark violet mark on his neck.

He was in the bathroom with Kanato. Shion had originally went in on his own, but Kanato had just suddenly appeared. It didn't bother him. Besides, him and his teddy were extremely adorable. Not to mention, he wasn't as..  Pushy, one could say.

"Did it hurt..? How'd it feel..?" Kanato asked in a quiet tone, but he was quiet all the time.

"Uh.. Well... It didn't hurt..." Shion replied. He was being honest. It didn't hurt.

"Then how'd it feel..?" Kanato asked again.

"I.. I don't know!" Shion looked away from the purple haired boy and back to the mirror. However, he gasped when he realized Kanato was standing directly behind him and looking into the mirror over Shion's shoulder.

"Please don't yell.. Teddy doesn't like yelling.." Kanato was requesting that Shion be quiet. However, he suddenly put his little teddy to the side and pulled Shion to him.

Kanato wasn't that much taller then Shion, but he still was. They were both still facing the mirror with Shion's body pressed against Kanato's front.

"Shion.. I want some too.." Kanato said quietly as he licked at Shion's neck. "I can make sure it doesn't hurt, Shion.."

Shion's eyes widened slightly when he was suddenly pulled back and even more surprised when he said those words.

"Is that a yes..? You aren't responding Shion.." Kanato asked and the grip around Shion's waist got tighter. "Does that mean you like when we do this..?"

"N-No! I never said that!" Shion said quickly as he looked away from the mirror.

"So can I do it..?" Kanato asked as he licked at Shion's neck again. "You taste sweet.."

"I guess.. I don't have much of a choice do I?" Shion asked quietly.

"You're right.. You don't.." Kanato replied with a hollow chuckle as he leaned down and sunk his fangs into the space between Shion's neck and shoulder.

Once again, it didn't really hurt. However, being Shion, he didn't like them doing it. It was so awkward and erotic when they made those little noises, but when Kanato did it, it was actually cute. His voice wasn't as deep as the others.

Kanato was acting as if he couldn't get enough. He had grabbed Shion's hair from the opposite side he was on and tilted his neck more. Shion winced and squirmed as they both eventually sunk to the floor.

Now Shion was in his lap. However, Kanato just pulled him closer and continued drinking. No matter how much Shion fidgeted or squirmed.

"K-Kanato.. To m-much..." Shion began to grow dizzy and only then did Kanato pull away from his neck.

"I couldn't help myself... Sorry Shion.." Kanato said quietly as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "Mind getting off..?"

"S-Sorry.." Shion apologized as he quickly stood up. The dizziness made the room spin and he fell.

Before Reiji caught him of course.

Now being in Reiji's arms, Shion looked up at him with half lidded eyes and then back to Kanato.

"Kanato. When you feed from Shion, learn when to stop. We can't have him dying on us at any time. Is that understood?" Reiji asked in a firm tone. Well, it wasn't even really asking. It was more like demanding.

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