Chapter 9

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Shion was surprised. Had they actually come back for him?

"Shion! What are you just sitting there for? Hurry up and come here!" Subaru yelled in a whisper tone.

"What are you doing here? Where's everyone else??" Shion asked quickly as he wrapped himself up in a towel and went to the window.

"Hi Pancake!" Ayato said as he waved.

"Ayato! Don't be so loud!" Subaru smacked his hand out the way and Shion gave a small laugh as Ayato pouted.

"What? Am I not aloud to be happy to see Pancake?? He's been missing for two days now!" Ayato replied as he crossed his arms and frowned.

"I don't care, Ayato." Subaru sighed and looked at Shion. "Shion, I'm sorry, but we can't get you just yet."

Shion's hope dropped. "What?? Why not?!" He asked this quickly and fearfully of having to stay here.

"Take this." Subaru reached through the window and dropped a silver dagger in Shion's hands. The handle was white and had a little gem in the middle.

"Do not let them find out you have it. That dagger can kill them." Shion thought for a moment and gasped in realization.

"That means.. It can kill you all too?? Why are you giving me this, Subaru!?" Shion asked in fear.

"Kill at least one of them. It'll be much easier to get you that way. Me, Ayato, Shu, and Reiji will be here to come get you tomorrow." Subaru replied calmly.

"But, why only you four? What about Raito and Kanato?" Shion asked as he gripped the dagger.

"They are to stay back and defend the home if anything happens. Now listen, we must go. We will be back tomorrow. Goodbye Shion." Subaru nodded and disappeared. Ayato was there as he looked down and back at Shion.

"Well, gotta go then Shion! But can I get a kiss first?" Ayato asked with a smirk.

"No! Go and get out you pervert!" Shion frowned and pushed his face until Ayato laughed and disappeared as well.

Now Shion was alone again. He was stuck. He didn't know what to do.

He had to kill someone? How?? And who?? Definitely not Azusa.. Shion actually liked him. Azusa was sweet.

With a sigh, Shion went to the pile of clothes on the chair and began dressing himself. The sweat shirt was big on him; but Shion liked it like that. With a smile, he pulled on the pants and slipped the dagger into the pocket. That's when he walked out and saw Kou laying on the bed.

He wasn't sleeping. He had opened his eyes and looked over at Shion with a cocky smile. Kou sat up and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Can you button it for me?" Kou asked in a deceiving tone.

"But you.. No. You just unbuttoned it so that I can do it for you again?" Shion replied in an aggravated tone.

"Button it." Kou demanded with a growl.

Shion sighed and went over to Kou. He got onto his knees and began buttoning the shirt for him. Kou watched him with a frown and once Shion was done, he grabbed him by the collar and slammed him onto his bed.

Shion gasped as Kou practically straddled his hips and he leaned down close to his lips.

"Who were you talking to in there?" Kou whispered in a threatening tone.

Oh no.

Shion decided to just play stupid and see how far that got him.

"W-What?? What do you mean?" Shion asked as he gulped quietly.

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