Chapter 18

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{I'm gonna try and switch things up a bit here. This chapter will be in different povs!}

Shu's POV
It was hard to watch everything go down. Even Reiji, the ass who never really cared about anything, actually did feel pity. Honestly, I'm starting to think that's the only thing he can feel.

I don't know how, but Kanato and Yuma managed to calm Shion down. I wasn't around Shion much, but when I was, all I heard was him asking one question.

"Where's the necklace.. Where's the necklace.."

At this point, I thought Shion lost it. He continued to ask that question over and over until someone finally offered to look for whatever the fuck Shion was asking for.

I, the one who was worried out of my ass, had to act like I didn't give a shit nor care. After all, that's what I always did.

I was in my room. That's where I always hid when something went down. Besides, it's the one place I know I won't be bothered. All of a sudden, I heard a knock.

I'm too lazy, fuck it. Was all my mind thought. Whoever the fuck it was, opened the door anyways.

With a small growl, I sat up slightly and took one of my headphones out. When I looked over at the door, I realized it was that new bitch named Serena.

I didn't like her.

Sure, she was pretty; but she looked like one of those sluts that prostituted themselves because they like to feel better about themselves. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"M-Mr. Shu?.." Her tone was quiet, and shy. I almost fell for it.

I closed my eyes and laid back down; a sigh escaping my lips. "What? And drop that act, it annoys the fuck out of me."

She gave a defeated sigh and crossed her arms. Her eyebrow was raised as she walked toward my bed. "And what makes you think that you can talk to a lady like that?" She questioned.

I didn't bother to move; I just shrugged. "Well, sorry but, I don't like this lady that's in my room."

She gave a devilish smirk and suddenly, I could feel the weight on the bed shift. I felt a pressure on my body. When I opened my eyes, she was straddling my waist and had leaned down to whisper in my ear.

She nipped at the outer shell and dipped her tongue along the crevice. "Well this lady would very much like for you to like her as well.." She whispered.

Oh she was such a slut.

No offense. I like pretty girls, but this was overboard. Yet, I was used to treatment like this. I got it all the time during school. I've had a couple slip ups and I actually thought this bitch would be another one.

My eyebrow raised as I shifted my body. "Oh? So I see you're the type who likes to tease?" I flashed a devilish smile and closed my eyes. "Well, I'm not interested."

That took her by surprise. I can tell she's done this stuff before. She recovered from the shock quicker than I could even tell.

With a small dark giggle, her tongue dipped into my ear. Her breath ragged and shallow as she ground her hips downward. "Oh.. But I can make you like me in some way.. Can't I?"

I've had enough.

I pushed her up and sat up. My expression blank as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her. "Listen. I'm not in the fucking mood right now. I have too many damn things on my mind. So, if you want to be a slut, go do it somewhere else."

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