Chapter 13

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It was two days after Ayato had left and it was all Shion could think about. The other five boys had looked for him for a while until they finally gave up. They had question Shion a few times, but Shion lied. He told them nothing about Ayato.

Shion had been pretty quiet for the past two days. Subaru had looked worried and Kanato would attempt to cheer him up every now and then.

He knew why he was like this.

Shion loves Ayato. It's simple as that. He still does. The only problem is he can't see Ayato now. Ayato left and Shion didn't know if he would see him again.

In honesty, it hurt. Shion had never been in love before, but for some reason he could tell. Shion just.. Knew he was. He had to tell him. To tell Ayato. Shion needed to see him again.

He practically ached for him.

Subaru noticed this; how much pain his little half brother seemed to be in.

Shion was in his room. He was reading a book that his mind wasn't even focusing on. It was wandering on all the little moments it had with Ayato. The moments where their bodies pressed together, the moments where Ayato allowed his tongue to roam his neck, even the times their lips were pressed against another.

He wanted it again.

His thoughts were suddenly cut off as he heard someone walk in. It was just Subaru. So, Shion didn't pay much of a mind to it. He simply looked back at his book as he waved a bit.

Shion heard Subaru sigh as Subaru went over to the bed he laid on. The white haired male got on his knees near the edge of the bed and laid his head on the edge. Shion looked over at him and raised an eyebrow as he put his book down.

"You seem off lately.. What's bothering you?" Subaru asked as he looked at Shion.

"Nothing.. I'm just worried about him I guess." Shion replied as he leaned back and picked his book back up.

"You? Worrying about Ayato? Huh.. That's new." Subaru claimed as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Is it because you like him?"

"Like him? If it was any one else here I would be worried too." Shion replied with an eyebrow raised.

"Not as much though." Subaru countered back.

How did Subaru figure it out so easily? When Shion was trying to hide it for the past two days and Subaru just managed to figure it out?

"I saw Ayato before he left. He asked me to help him leave. He had a stab wound in his side. That's not all I saw." Shion started to explain calmly.

Once his book was put down, he began explaining. How he went looking for Reiji and stumbled across that room. How only a few minutes later, Shu got him alone in a room and ravished his lips; how Shion kissed back. How not only a few minutes later, Ayato confessed to helping the two brothers escape and asked Shion to help him. How Shion obliged and that's when he realized he loved Ayato. When he walked out that door.

Subaru was quiet the entire time. He just listened and gave small nods of his head as if agreeing to something. Even after Shion finished talking, it took a moment for him to speak.

"I know the reason why he helped them. He trusted me the most, but things are going to get worse.. I can tell." Subaru stated as he stood up.

With a smile, Subaru reached forward and ruffled Shion's thick locks of dark brown hair. After that, he just left; leaving Shion to his thoughts.

Shion eventually fell asleep. It was surprising that he even managed to.

Shu was in his Shion's room as well. He was simply leaning back against the headboard as he watched Shion turn over in his sleep. He was now facing Shu.

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