Chapter 15

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Shion was hurting. All over. His body felt like it was on fire. However, that wasn't even the worse part.

Shion almost felt as if he died. He almost wanted too.

He stayed in bed all day; all night. It's almost as if he couldn't move. He didn't want to either way.

His eyes were closed, but he was awake. Nothing could change the fact that he couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat.

Shion couldn't function. The boys took turns staying with him. It was always Shu who was in there the most. Subaru along with him.

By now, his heart had shattered. Not only did he get sabotaged, but it was the one he loved. The one he cared for and had feelings for.

Maybe he would have been okay. If only he hadn't been told he wasn't loved in such a rude way; and to think..

"Shion.. Shion." He could hear his name being called.

His eyes opened slowly to Shu sitting next to the side of his bed. Shion's eyes had dark circles that looked almost like Kanato's.

"Hey.. You're awake..!" Kanato exclaimed happily as he scooted over next to Shu.

There he was. Holding his little teddy bear like he always did. Shion had to admit, Kanato was cute. It almost brought a smile to Shion's lips.

"You can sit up right?" Shu asked quietly as he stood up and leaned over Shion.

That's right.. Shion was supposed to be resting. However, that's not what he wanted. That's not what Shion wanted to do. Shion was tired of loving now. The only person he would keep close to him was Subaru.

With a loud sigh, he sat up. His back hurt immensely and he let out a loud gasp of pain. He had to lay back down, it hurt too much. Kanato almost had a panic attack when that happened.

"I'll get Subaru.." Shu said quietly as he stood up straight and walked out of the room.

Shion simply laid on his side and thought. At the moment, this wasn't a good thing.

Did Ayato mean what he said? Did the Mukami's just make him say it? Was there something else behind it?

"You know I know what you feel Shion.. And I want you to know how I feel.. I couldn't give a fuck about you or your feelings.. I was going to use you.. You know that?"

Those words rang in his head like a church bell on a wedding day. They never faltered. Shion could almost hear Ayato's sneer laugh as Shion dropped to the ground.

What happened after that? All he remembered is that he completely blacked out.

He didn't die.. Did he?

A moment later, Subaru walked in with Shu behind him. The white haired vampire sat on the edge of the bed and gave Shion a small, reassuring smile.

"How are you feeling?" Subaru asked.

"I want to know what happened. Where's Ayato?" Shion questioned quietly. That wasn't the only question he had however.

Subaru knew. Just from those words. Shion still cared for Ayato.

"Shion.. What did Ayato say to you?" Subaru asked quietly. Whatever it was, it hurt Shion terribly. He knew that much at least.

It took Shion a moment. He didn't know if he would even be able to repeat those words. Having them repeat over and over in his mind was easy; but saying it aloud? That was a completely different story.

So, he got an idea. He reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out a diary. Surprisingly, he had written in it. Everything from the first day he got here was written in that book. Personal feelings that he would never show anyone. He then pulled out the pen he always wrote with.

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