Chapter 4 ; Talk

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"Heterosexual love,. is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature."

Alice (POV)

I was aware of Bella behind me. It surprised me that she kept her mouth shut for long. I was just walking around. Dodging trees and stepping over roots. I come to this place often for me to clear my mind. It's peaceful with all the green. I know you must think you over reacted with the situation with my mom but who wouldn't. You depend on her and you wouldn't like your mother keeping secrets from you. Especially dating ones. I kept thinking over in my head until I reached my tree.

It was the most wonderful thing I ever found here. Since then it became a part of me. I found it when I was 10. Mom and dad would fight and I would just leave the house. They haven't even noticed me gone so I thought it was ok.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Bella said tentatively.

"No." My answer felt final. I didn't wanna talk about what's happening to me. I felt like a disgrace. I don't even feel close to my mom anymore. We do different things and not the same ones anymore.

"Come on, it helps when you talk about it with someone."

"I said no." My traitor eyes began watering. A tear fell and I wiped it away furiously.

"Aw Babe --- ."

I held up a hand, " Dont."

By then I was sitting on a collapse tree with my back to Bella. I curled up with arms wrapped around my legs. I put my head down on my knees and began crying softly. I felt a pair of arms around me.

"Shhhh, it's ok Alice stop crying." Bella said.

She turned me to her and pushed me to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hold me tightly. I rested my head in the nook of her neck and began wetting her neck. She rubbed circles around my back. I never noticed this but I feel safe in her arms. Even though I choose to deny it mist of the time. But now I won't deny it.

I held on tighter with my arms around her waist and she did the same.

I settled down on the crying.

We just stayed there and I didn't know how long we stayed like that. We just stayed silent and I'm glad she didn't say anything. I was more comfortable here with her.

My breathing slowed down and I was more than calm.


"Yes?", I said a little sleepily.

"I think we should get back before it gets dark."

"Okay." I tried to stand but ended up tripping over something. I almost fell but Bella Caught me in time.

"Thanks", mumbled Alice.

"It's ok. Now let's go babe it's getting dark."

I was getting really tired but managed to walk out. I began giving her directions where my house was. I doubt it my mom will be home until the next few days. Like I cared. I just don't like it when. I'm alone in the house. Call me a baby all you want to but I have my reasons. My aunt Was murdered in her own home later at night. Her husband were acquaintances with the wrong people. I've never likes it when mom left me but life isn't fair.

We approached my house and opened the door. I guess I wasn't stable enough to climb the stairs. Bella helped me up the stairs and to my room.

"Thanks." We stopped at my bedroom door. I turned around and Bella was dangerously close.

"Can't I go in." Bella pouting was the most funniest thing ever. I tried to hold in my laugh but I couldn't.

"What's so funny?"

"You trying to act cute."

"Oh and you don't think I'm cute?"

"On Contrary I did not say that." Might as well flirt. Ah the joys of being smart. Not that I'm saying she isn't smart.

"Oh but you implied it."

"No I simply stated the facts." I smiled flirtatiously.

She leaned in closer with both hands on the side of my head on the door.

"Your cute when your trying to flirt." She whispered in my ear. Her warm. breath caressing my skin. Two can play at that game.

I leaned in closer until my lips where in her ear. I blew a hot breath in her ear.

"I wasn't trying, I was."

I heard her chuckle.

"No babe You tried. Obviously your not good at it."

"And how do you intend making it better?"

"Kiss me." She said softly.

"No." I knew she was going say that. I am not going down the same road that happened in school.

"Oh and why not?"

I stared in her eyes and narrowed mines before opening my mouth."Because I don't want to."

Abruptly she pressed her body with mines trapping me. She brushed her lips against mines. I'll be honest it was quite tempting but I wasn't going for it.

"You know you wanna kiss me."

"No I don't", I lied

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."


"No." I stated.


"N-". Before I could finish her lips came crashing on mine. I was surprised but didn't respond until many seconds passes by. My lips moved against hers in synchronization. She had soft lips and they tasted very good. 'Stop I'm not a lesbian!' I fought with myself until finally i gave up. Her arms snaked around my petite hips and moved me closer to her. My arms, out of instinct, wrapped around her neck. We continued to kiss until We were out of breath.

"Kiss me please." Bella murmured.

"Why should I?"

"Because you want to." She said confidently.


"Fine." She leaned in close until I could feel her breath. She gazed I to my eyes until she finally said something, "But I know you want me babe-" She kissed my neck and trailed them up and down. I drew in a breath, "every bit of me."

She once again pecked me on the lips. "Goodnight Baby."

"Night." She moved away from me and kissed my cheek before turning away and heading outside. I didn't go in my room until the front door closed.

I opened my door and ran to my bed. What have I done? I mean I had never had that much confidence but wow. I took of my clothes and changed into sweat pants and a really short tank top. I pulled over the covers And drifted off to sleep. A particular pair of brown eyes in them.

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