Chapter 3 ; What?

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"Lesbian existence comprises both the breaking of a taboo and the rejection of a compulsory way of life. It is also a direct or indirect attack on the male right of access to women. " Adrienne Rich

Alice's ( POV )

I currently sat on the cold floor gathering my thoughts. What just happened. I was so Confused. I'm not a lesbian I can't be. I mean it felt good. Stop Alice you cant think like that. I quickly stood up and rushed outside to my car. Once I was inside I tried to relax but I couldn't. I went home and was thankfull no one was home. I went upstairs to my room and lock myself in it.

I always felt relaxed when I was in here. It was my own sanctuary of silence. I laid down in bed and gather my thoughts. Did Bella just do that to me? I could see she knew what she was doing since she had experience. I knew she liked me It's just I didn't feel the same way. I never imagined me like that. To like girls. My parents raised me to be normal and different but They also said do the things that makes you happy.

Bella and I always had a hate love relationship. I secretly loved it. But there was a part of me that thought it was wrong. But I was feeling a different way.

I couldn't get Bella off my mind. The way she touched me. Her soft kisses. I know I denied it when I said I didn't like it. But what else was I suppose to do? I didn't want her to know I liked her. Then she wouldn't leave me alone.

I wanted to feel the pleasure that Bella gave me. I didn't normally do this but I'm glad I'm alone. I slipped my fingers through my panties and reached my core. I began rubbing and imagined what happened at school. It felt so good. I Eventually reached my limit And started to relax.

I heard the door open downatairs.

"Alice! ", my mom yelled.

"In my room mom". I hate when she does that. Who else Would be in here. I lived with my mom Cheryl. My dad didn't live with us. He and mom split up when I was in 8th grade. I never shared my feelings with her or anyone except for Janice. I do have a close relationship with mom but not as strong with my bestfriend. Mom Is usually out at work or with her "boy toy" as I call him. I just don't like him. He gets on my nerves and acts like child. He'll he's 7 years younger than her. I tried to talk to her but she said she doesn't wanna talk about him. So I just leave her alone.

"Come Down here I have someone that wants to meet you." Hmm I wonder who it is.

"OK!" I replied. I quickly rearranged myself and opened the door. I took the steps downstairs and was greeted by a middle aged man.

"Alice this Is John, John this so my daughter Alice." Who the fuck is this?

"Um hi?" well that came out as a question.

"Hi Alice your mom talks about you a lot". His voice was kinda deep. He held out his hand and I grasp it and shook it. Was this her boyfriend or something?

I gave him a smile and he returned it.

"Umm can you excuse us". I took moms hand and led her to the kitchen.

"Mom who is that I thought you were dating What's his name?"

"We broke up a week ago". She shrugged and rolled her eyes. Why didn't she tell me this?

"Why didn't you tell me?". I started to get angry with her. Why didn't she tell me this. She broke up with a guy and just got another one a week after their breakup.

"Because it didn't matter ". She said with a shrug of her shoulders. Mom can be such a child. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the kitchen.

"She'll be out but can you tell her I'M going for a walk?". he nodded and I said bye.

I stepped out of the house and made my way to the forest. I feel relax there also. The trees are my favorite. I loved sitting near trees for some reason. Yep. I'm weird. I took down the sidewalk and when. I almost reached the trail someone tapped me on the shoulders. Now I'm not stupid to turn around so I just continued on walking. That's when I felt arms around my waist.

"Hey sexy".

OH GOD. why. why. why.

Please tell me It's not who I think it is.




I turned around and I wasn't surprise to see who it is. Why does this happen to me.

"Hey Bella". I said in a bored tone

"What's wrong?" she asked sincerely worried. huh

"Nothing". she raised her eyebrow

" No. spill obviously there's something wrong babe."

"There's nothing wrong", I snapped at her. Her face looked hurt but instead of feeling sorry I walked off leaving her behind. I wanted to be alone but obviously the world hates me.

"Babe I'm I should've have asked"..I turned around and Bella's eyes filled with confusion and worries. I never said this but I loved her brown eyes and she is really pretty. With long brown hair and kissable pink lips. Snap out of it Alice. I shook my head to clear my thoughts

"Don't be. It's just I want to be alone right now."

"Ok but if your going in the forest I'M going with you." Her voice sounded very serious and I doubt I'll win the fight.

"Ughh fine OK." I sighed sarcastically.

she gave me an evil smile.

And that's when I totally regretted saying no.

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