Part 12

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It was roughly the half point of the ball and we haven't separated once. Dan was currently wearing the ring and apparently no one has exactly noticed it yet. Everyone was here already that was going to come.

We did go around and greet some people as they arrived, but not many. A lot of the people we became friends with were here. Gwen was here with her new bride, and they were excited with talks of having children soon. Dan's family was here after arriving a bit later than us. People were everywhere!

It was time for the royal announcements. The neighboring royals got the chance to come up to the steps and give any big or new news. While they did this, my parents and I usually are sat on the above platform where we sit and listen until the very end, when we get to share. This time will be a bit different, though. This time Dan will sit with us.

The royals started moving towards the front of the large room while the others waited patiently for the news. Dan and I walked up through the crowd, passing by them all and started to go up the stairs until Dan was jerked to a stop by his mother.

"What do you think you're doing?" She hissed. "We're not up till later!"

Dan looked at her, to me, then her again before removing himself from her grip. "Wait."

He walked past me and I quickly caught up as we reached the thrones. There were only two this time, though, meaning that Dan and I will be standing next to my mum.

The crowd murmured as the royals started their announcements. Engagements, marriages, births, deaths; it was finally my parents turn.

"We personally do not have any announcements, my good friends. The wizards on the other hand have been working harder than ever!" The crowds applauded and cheered. "But we'll leave their announcements to their own." It was quite for a moment before my father continued with a slight gasp. "How could I forget? I'm happy to announce that two kingdoms are to join together in a royal marriage!"

His declaration was vague and it seemed the crowd didn't know how to react. A few clapped slightly, but it was mostly people murmuring to another, asking which kingdoms. "You know who you are." My mother broke in. "Come forward and give a proper announcement, dears."

I looked over the crowd, seeing them looking at one another and everywhere else, before looking to Dan. He was looking to me with wide eyes, showing his nervousness. "Shall we?" I put my arm out slightly so he could tuck his with mine.

"Why not?"

We took a few steps forward until we were near the edge of the platform, and the crowd went silent as we put our opposing arms in the air for silence.

"We'd like to thank you greatly for coming the ball tonight." Dan started, but trailed of to let me speak.

"It gives us great pleasure to be here, surrounded by friends and family, as we get to announce our engagement."

"We invite you all now to attend the wedding, whenever it may be, and do hope you will all able to arrive."

"We're prepared to unite our two kingdoms as one and a long and prosperous rule. Now if you'll join us in dance and celebration!" The crowd cheered and Dan's family ran up to us as the music started playing again.

"Daniel! Philip!" A voice called from behind us, and ended up being Chris. "Why did you not tell us?" Him and PJ tackled us with hugs; their son was being watched tonight so they could have a night.

"Or us!" Dan's mother spoke up.

"We wanted it to be a surprise! What can we say?"

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