Part 3

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*~Time Skip (After Guests Leave)~*

The only bodies left in the ballroom were those of my parents, Dan's parents and siblings, and, of course, ours.

"You're sure you don't mind him staying?" His mother worried over the arrangements with my mother while our fathers were whispering and giggling away from us.

"Of course not! He'll be in good hands, don't worry." I could feel her eyes on me for a moment.

His two siblings were wandering the room, looking at the works they couldn't see with the swarms of bodies. That left Dan and I to stand in the middle of the room awkwardly, not wanting to speak, knowing the others would hear.

"Ok, well, we should be on our way back." Her hand was in the crease of her husband's arm and the other two came by her side. Dan walked to them, giving them hugs, even his siblings, before stepping back to my side.

We bid our farewells as they departed, and we were left to ourselves. My parents turned to us, grinning wickedly. "We hope you don't mind, Daniel, but the two of you will have to share Philip's quarters. The others are being refurbished, as we mentioned earlier."

"Oh, well, that's okay?" He looked to me with a nervous expression, as if I'd refuse and make him sleep on the floor. I grinned at him, though, and his expression dropped to one of relief.

"Come on, let's go!" I practically drug him from the room yelling a, "Night mum! Night dad!" as we went through the doorway. He was giggling giddily as we went through the halls and finally came upon my chamber. "We give the help off during the weekends and after balls; we find it helps their moral and such, so sorry about the mess."

"Mess? This is hardly a mess! You should see the chamber I share with my brother!"

"Is that an invitation?" He blushed as he saw what I meant, but I turned to where my clothes were located and rummaged through them, trying to find some clothes that might fit him, considering he was quite smaller than me still. I grabbed two pairs of pants and shirts, turning to him and tossing an outfit. "It might be a bit large on you, but hopefully it'll fit."

We turned our own ways, and started dressing in our sleep clothes. Once I finished, I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Dan seemed to be dressed. I turned around completely, about to clear my throat when he groaned lowly, and dropped his hands to his sides which led his pants to fall down to his ankles. I couldn't help but laugh at this, though I tried to cover it with my hand. The pants were so loose on him, that when he turned, his feet came right out, leaving the pair lumped on the floor.

His cheeks were a bright pink as he looked down, fussing with the long shirt. The shirt was long enough on his body that it seemed as if a short dress that ended above his knees. The shirt I chose for him was a white, silky button up, though he left the top and a couple of the bottom buttons open, revealing more skin than what would be appropriate unless in private.


He looked up at me wide-eyed, and turned into a tomato. I looked at him curiously wondering why he was acting as such until it hit me.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" He nodded his head, biting his bottom lip. "Sorry-"

"It's fine! I-It's perfectly fine..." He was acting so awkward as he looked around the room, gazing at the bed lastly.

"Shall we?"

"What?" I motioned towards the bed. "Oh, yeah, sure."

He awkwardly climbed onto the large bed and paused in the middle, sitting on his haunches. His head turned to me, his eyes asking the silent question of where exactly he should sleep. I turned from him silently, unbuttoning the buttons from my shirt; I never really wear shirts when sleeping, but the help make me at least put them on. I walked to the burning candles, extinguishing them one-handed while the other fumbled with the last buttons. The only glowing lights left were those that the wizards gave, which are extinguished by a clap. I let the shirt slip from my shoulders and I heard a quiet gasp behind me, to which I turned.

"You can choose which side you want." He nodded and scrambled to the side farthest from me, and I slipped in, clapping to turn off the remaining lights. "Night Danny."

"Night Philly."

*~Time Skip (Early Morning)~*

I woke up to something tickling my nose, and a weird weight around my stomach and one leg. I slowly cracked my one eye open, the other flying when I saw a mop of brown hair; I was going cross-eyed staring at the top of his head. When I looked away, I noticed an appendage wrapped around my torso, shirt ridden up. It gave me a pleasantly warm feeling where our bare skin connected. One of his legs were also wrapped around one of my legs, and my pants must have rid up during the night, because our skin was in even more contact.

We were cuddled up against each other tightly, the only thing separating the two of us being the thin strips of clothing we wore. I could feel Dan's light breathing on my collarbone as I lay there, basking in the warmth his body radiated.

It was still early, so I still had plenty of time to sleep in a bit before the help would do a wake up call. I squeezed Dan lightly before closing my eyes and drifting off, until morning.


I awoke to a knocking on the door, feeling the position of Dan's body to be roughly the same as earlier.

"Wakey, wakey young sire! Or else your breakfast will get- Oh, oh my!"

"G' morning Gertrude..." I looked over to find her standing sheepishly with a rather large tray in hand. "Could you set the tray on the side table, please?" My eyes trailed her movement a bit until I looked to Dan, deciding to attempt to wake him up. "Dan," I whispered, "Daaaan? Danny!"

I was about to shake him a bit before he moved his head a bit and started mumbling. "Nngh... No... Philly... Sleep... Now..." I only caught bits of what he was trying to say, but I couldn't help but chuckle at him, causing his previously resting head to bounce about. "Stoooop..." He moaned out before soft snores escaped him.

I turned to Gertrude, who was waiting to be dismissed. "Would you mind also fetching the tailor later? Dan here will need clothing for his stay."

"Of course young sire." She bowed before exiting, closing the door behind her to give us privacy, though I could still hear her and the other chambermaids outside the door. "You shouldn't go in there dears. He has some boy, Dan I believe he said, in there, and the boy is mighty tired."

"Did he choose a king already?" I heard a muffled squeal before Marianne continued. "We workers go out for one night, and we miss such a thing!"

"Hush, now! I don't know for sure, but something definitely did happen; his arms are all bandaged, and I heard he called for the guards on two!" Their conversation continued as it faded and I was left to wait for Dan to wake up.

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