Part 5

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He finished the last legend and I looked to see Dan with a look of wonder scrawled across his face. He looked to me, big brown eyes melting my insides, "Can we look for the passages?"

"Sure, but after your fitting!"

"But Phiiiil!" He whined incoherently as he fell on me.

"Come on, they should be here soon." I dragged him up with me and we left the servants corridor after telling everyone a quick goodbye and Chris and PJ another congratulations.

We walked through several corridors before we reached the throne room, finding my mother there with another woman. "Hello mother." I bowed slightly and Dan followed suit, knowing to keep a certain image for the royals to those we rule over.

"Ah, Philip, your usual tailor came down with something, a large frog in his throat you could say. This is his associate, Emille. She'll be doing the measuring and sewing for Daniel today; right after she finishes my measurements. And Daniel... I'd like to speak to you later, alone..."

*~Time Skip (Next Day ~ Afternoon)~*

We were once again searching for secret passages around the castle. We found a few last night and explored; finding old, random trinkets, but I convinced Dan to come with me to the lion cages beforehand. He was reluctant at first, but once we went in with the lion cubs and they pounced us with kisses, he was glad he came. Some of his clothes were already sown, but they were mainly his pants so, lucky me gets to see him wear more of my shirts! He still has to talk with my mother which worries me... She can be such a... Such a... Fangirl.


My mother was finally able to pry Dan and I from each other, and they went into another wing to talk while I was stuck in the throne room, pacing. I finally decided to take a seat and relax when I heard this loud grinding behind me.

I spun quickly to see the wall moving, though the function wasn't possible. I squinted into the darkness within the now gaping hole when light lit the empty space, or should I say spaces. Half the open space shined brighter than my family's jewels in the bright high noon. It's contents were brilliant, I must say, but they were rather too flashy for me. The second space was still quite dark, but candlelight lit the room faintly. I could see from the light, though, that the room was rather ratty, that of an elder times peasant. I went into the dim light, the curiosity killing me, when I heard the screeching of stone against stone and turned, finding the passage door already closed. My only option was to explore the room and try to find a way out.

*~Dan's POV~*

I was still talking to Phil's mother. Our conversation so far has been... Quite awkward. To think that Phil showed interest in me while he left other to themselves; that he has let me in farther than what others couldn't even scratch... It was mind-numbingly exciting. The thing that probably scared me the most was that his parents were expecting a marriage. Yes, he's great and amazing, but I need a bit more time and a proposal unless I get some sign pushing me towards him, though I still want a proper proposal.

Then there's the fact that she started speak of children. She only let out the rumors of a wizard who claims he can make male pregnant before this terrible clanking and scraping filled the empty room.

I spun, finding a glorious, lit up room. It had absolutely beautiful paintings on the wall, comfortably warn furniture scattered around, an old wood floor, and two doors on the opposite side of the room that looked completely opposite the other.

"What is that? I can't see anything?"

"You don't see it?" My voice sounded dreamy and far off in my own ears.

"No..." She hesitated before saying a small, "Go."

I was off into the room as soon as the single uttered word left her mouth and when I turned to address her, the door was closed and all that remained was a wall. Even though I knew no exit, I was calm as I walked to a bed on the edge of the room.

The bed was was fitted with a red, gold-trimmed comforter and huge pillows lay at the head. The room had a mild temperature, but the warmth the bed promised was too tempting. I crawled on the bed, finding it had the perfect mixture of firmness and softness. I was suddenly drowsy and close to sleep when I heard a loud creak from some other point in the room.

I looked up from my cocoon, propping myself up on my elbows, to find a blurry figure looking around. I rubbed my eyes, clearing my vision and found that the blurry figure was actually Phil.

"Phil!" I drug out the 'i,' sounding high off drowsiness.

His head turned towards me, almost reluctant, but his eyes went alight when they met mine. He was on the bed, by my side, in no time.

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