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Do much stuff is happening right now omg. Anyways Louis is cute, Liam has nice abs, Harry loves scrabble, I have no idea where the fuck Niall is or what the fuck he his doing, Zayn is being Zayn.

Lmao I wrote that so long ago ^

Sorry I haven't been updating. I hurt my thumb so I've had to wear a split and it makes it hard af to type/text lol.

I just drank a litre of iced tea and a packet of Tim Tams.


Niall: I'll be there in five

Feck. Fack. Fook. Fuck. I know what I'm doing, pffft of course I do. Liam is helping too. So is Louis, after I convinced him that he still loves me. Zayn would have helped but you know what happened there. Anyways Zayn left the band.

Fucking Zayn, always leaving. 

Anyways, he claimed he is "too" cool to be in a boyband. He's lame. He thinks he can make it as a solo artist and I say good luck to him. Hopefully, he will mature and treat a girl right.

Harry didn't seem to mind that he was leaving, mainly because it would have been awkward for them to be around each other. The boys were sad, especially Liam. #ziam.

I grabbed the shoe box and Blue before running to Niall's car. Lucky bastards, they all have cars. I have to pay for my own and I'm broke as fuck. But I need to get a car, buses smell gross and I'm too lazy to ride a bike.

Niall gave me a weird look when Blue's head popped out of my backpack, but he continued to drive. Once we were there he turned to me and gave me a smile with two thumbs up. Let's hope this doesn't fail.

I follow him into the house. All the boys are chatting but Harry is missing. They all give me a quick hug and say good luck just before Harry walks down the stairs.

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" He roars.

"Harry calm down!" Louis growls.

"She's here to apologise and you're going to listen," Liam sneers.

I give Harry a small smile before the boys are pushing us into a small empty room. The click of a lock is heard and I realise those bastards locked us in.

"Um hi," I smile awkwardly.

He just glares at me so I sit against a wall and but my bag and shoebox down. I motion for him to sit down but he says and keeps on glaring. I raise my eyebrow and he rolls his eyes. He reluctantly sits in front of me. I open the shoe box and pick up the items. I put them beside me and close the shoebox. I grab the first item and show him.

"This is the coffee cup from our first time we met. This is the box the chocolates came in on our first date. Oh and this is a movie ticket from our first movie date. These are Polaroids from that time we went ice skating. I really enjoyed that date, it was so fun and I miss it. This is from—"

"Why are you showing me this?" He cut in.

"Because I don't want to just have memories; I want you," I whisper.

"But why him?" He asked, his voice breaking at the end.

"I didn't think you would ever remember me, I didn't want to be forgotten and I was scared. Zayn took advantage of my vulnerable state. I'm so sorry Harry," I explain as a tear rolled down my face.

"I forgive you."

"I know you won't forgive me but please give me another chance— Wait, what?"

"I forgive you. I probably shouldn't but I do. That's what love does, it makes you do crazy things. And I can't be away from you any longer," he says, pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you," I whisper.

Our hug is broken when a small and soft 'meow' is heard. Harry's face immediately lights up and I giggle. I reach over to my bag and pull out the still-small kitten. Harry coos over her as I hand her to him.

He snuggles his face into the kitten and place with her. She curls into his chest as he fanboys over her cuteness. All I can do is watch with fond. I missed this. I don't know how I can live with out this boy.

I'm caught off guard when a pair of lips are pressed to mine. Knowing it is Harry, I kiss back. He mumbles an 'I love you' against my lips. I mumble it back. We pull back and he leans his forehead against mine. Neither of us can stop smiling. I don't think I have ever been as content and happy as I am right now.

And to think this all started with a simple text message.

The end.

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