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I'm sorry if you're crying or acting in an emotional way. If you're stable then I'm sorry this isn't emotional enough for you


(Harry's POV)

To be honest, I have no idea what the hell I am doing right now. I could ruin everything. Well, make it worse than it already is. I hope she still feels the same. It's been a month and I still feel the same. I know I didn't remember my feelings before but now I remember and those feelings still exist inside my heart.

It's quite cliché, isn't it? I loose my memory and then gain it back from going through our old text messages. Actually, all of this is one big cliché. We met through a text message because my big fingers pressed the wrong numbers. I wouldn't change a thing, though. This is Liana's and my love story. Our own messed up, crazy, dramatic love story.

I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans before bringing my shaky hand up to the door. I knocked a few times before stepping back. Was this a good idea? Should I just quickly make a runner? No. No, I have to do this. For Liana. For me.

No one answered so I knocked a few more times. The longer I wait the more I contemplate leaving. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a good idea. Again no one answers the door. Maybe she's gone? Well, I have nothing to do today so I guess I'll wait.

I take a seat on the front step and watch the cars go by. How was she during the month? Did she move on? Does she have a new boyfriend? Did she replace me? Was she sad I couldn't remember her? Did she find it—

I'm cut off by my thoughts when I see Liana walking down the path with none other than Zayn Malik himself. Why are they holding hands? I stand up and wait for her at the door. I can see them laughing and being all couple like. What the hell?

As they get closer and notice me, their faces drop. They share a look of uncertainty before Zayn kisses her cheek and whispers something. He leaves soon after and she walks over to me.

"Why the hell were you with him?!" I yell.

"Because he's my boyfriend," she says calmly.

"Don't you remember what happened last time?" I frustratedly asked.

"I probably remember better than you," she snapped and slammed her front door in my face.

Fuck. I fucked up big time. I wasted three hours just to fuck everything up. I just go back to my car and drive home without knocking on her door, begging for forgiveness. It's not worth it anymore, she doesn't love me anymore.

(Liana's POV)

I still love him. I love him so fucking much. I should not have said that. I shouldn't have agreed to date Zayn again. He's just a player. I want Harry back. I really want him back.

I open the door to apologise but I'm too late. He's already gone. I should have just hugged him and told him that Zayn and I were nothing. I fucked up so big. He probably hates me now. He probably doesn't even love me anymore.

I need to tell Zayn that him and I are over. For good this time. He always leaves in the end. He has always had commitment issues.

Me: Zayn I think we should break up

Zayn: wtf why??

Me: I'm still in love with Harry. Sorry.

Zayn: why would you want a boyfriend that can't remember shit?

Me: well, you see, it's better then having a boyfriend who is a dick

Zayn: but you love dick ;)

Me: yes but not yours ;)

I feel bad for breaking it off with him over text but he had to see that coming. I mean, Harry is the love of my life. He's irreplaceable. Our love story is the biggest cliché and it is full of drama and problems but I wouldn't change a thing. Harry is the one for me. He's it.

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