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Harry: hello

Me: it's me

Harry: who this?

Me: liana

Harry: ohhhh right

Me: okay..?

Harry: you so hot

Me: what?

Harry: I bet you're good in bed

Harry: mmmmmm



Me: what did you do with Harold

Harold: I'm Harold

Me: are you drunk?

Harold: no I'm Niall

Me: fuck

Me: give Harry his phone back

Harold: but I like talking to you :(

Me: I don't like talking to you

Harold: :'(

Me: give Harry is phone back

Harold: no he busy dancing

Me: go over to him

Me: tap on his shoulder

Me: pass him the phone

Me: and then call a cab home

Me: you're wasted

Harold: Liam said I'm white girl wasted

Harold: but I'm a boy

Harold: I have a dick

Harold: want to see it?

Me: Noooo

Me: God no

Me: give Harry his phone back

Harold: fine

Harold: you're no fun

Harold: I'm giving it back right nowwww

*20 minutes later*

Harold: fuck

Harold: I'm so so sorry

Harold: I didn't think Niall would text you

Harold: he had to call a cab but then omg

Harold: I'm so sorry

Harold: go he's such a dick

Me: it's okay Haz

Me: calm down

Me: did you have fun?

Harold: it would have been better if you were there.

Me: aw <3

Harold: I'll text you tomorrow

Me: okay

Harold: night xx

Me: night xx

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