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Me: 8 days

Me: only 8 days. I'm so excited.

Harry: same

Harry: I'm freaking out

Harry: omg

Me: lol release your inner fangirl

Harry: you don't want that to happen

Harry: it can get pretty ugly

Me: haha ok lol

Me: so Louis sent me a selfie

Harry: ahahahahaha what?

Me: he sent me a picture of himself

Me: a selfie

Harry: I know what a selfie is

Harry: but like why?¿

Me: because I asked for one

Harry: why?

Me: because I was curious

Me: he's so smol

Me: and tiny

Me: like a hedgehog

Me: he's my hedgehog son

Harry: he looks like a hedgehog lol

Me: ikr

Harry: we should add him to the chat and tell him :P

Me: oml we so should

* Harry has added Hedgehog to the chat *

Hedgehog: hello

Harry: hey Lou

Me: hey son

Hedgehog: why am I added in the chat this time

Harry: we wanted to tell you something

Hedgehog: Liana is pregnant?

Hedgehog: you're getting married?

Hedgehog: you've joined a boyband?

Me: not quite

Me: you should join a boyband Lou

Hedgehog: we would never become famous

Me: i bet you'd become the worlds biggest boyband

Hedgehog: I doubt that

Harry: Louis

Harry: we need to tell you something

Hedgehog: okay, what is it?

Me: Harry you can tell him

Harry: no you can

Me: no you

Harry: no you

Me: fine

Me: I'll tell him

Hedgehog: tell me what?

Me: you look like a hedgehog

* You deleted Hedgehog from the chat *

Harry: lol

Harry: that was very smooth

Me: it was.

Harry: has he texted you lol

Me: yeah lol

Harry: what did he say?

Me: that you look like a frog

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