Twenty Four

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"Babe" Luke whined as I pushed him away. "But we haven't done anything is weeks"

"Luke, it's been a week max"

"Two weeks actually. And I have needs"

"Sort them out yourself" I smirked.

"But I need you" He sat beside me on the bed and moved my hair aside, allowing him to kiss my neck.

"Oh my god, Luke, stop" I said, pushing him away and continuing with my work.

"Are you alright? You seem stressed out lately" He said, laying next to me and brushing his fingers through my hair.

"Just work, that's all"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"You sound like a nosy mum"

"Speaking of parents, will I get to meet yours anytime soon?"

"We've been together for what two months?"

"I thought it was three?"

"I don't know, you wrote the official day we got together on the calendar"

"Two seconds" Luke said, going into the kitchen before coming back. "It's approximately three months. I'm offended that you didn't know that"

"The last month's kind of been a blur"

"So, anyway, me meeting your parents?"

"The thing is, I don't have the best relationship with them"

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I've never really understood why. They always said I was a disappointment which I don't get considering I worked my way up from literally nothing. I don't think they understand why I chose this lifestyle"

"In no way, shape or form are you a disappointment. You've achieved so much with your career. Your parents should be so proud of you"

"Well, I'm pretty sure they feel the opposite" I sighed as I shut my laptop, pushing it away. "I'll call them, see what they say"

"Sounds good, baby"

"You can definitely meet my brother though"

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, Tom. He's two years younger than me. He's pretty cool, I guess"

"Not in the family business then?"

"He's a music producer"

"That's cool. So he made something of himself from nothing too?"

"Yeah but my parents are proud of him"

"Don't listen to them, you're amazing"


"So, topic change. Lola's birthday"

"What about it?"

"I'm thinking we take her to my parents and that's about it"

"I thought that had been the plan for the last month?"

"I've been trying to think of something better but I don't know what"

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