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"Morning" I looked up from my phone to see Luke stood at my bedroom door.

"Hey, you're up early considering it's the weekend"

"I know but I figured you wouldn't want us here much longer and Lola's been up since 7" I got out of bed, pulling the over sized top I wore to bed down. I grabbed my glasses and walked out the room and into the open living area.

"Morning, Maddie" Lola said. She was sat playing with a stuffed toy of some description on the floor in front of the TV.

"Hey, sweetie"

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" I asked Luke, turning around to face him.

"Anything. Seriously, that kid will eat whatever's put in front of her"

"Um, is toast alright? There isn't much else"

"That's fine. I'll make breakfast"

"Are you sure-"

"I'm capable of making some bread turn to toast"

"I'm sorry, chef Hemmings" I smirked before walking over to the girl sat on the floor.

"Maddie, do you know why is daddy never home?"

"He's a busy man"

"Is he here a lot?"

"No, why would you think that?"

"He seems close to you" She said innocently. It was quiet between the two of us as I watched the kids TV show. "I don't think mummy loves daddy anymore" She said quietly.

"Sweetie, why would you think that?"

"She barely talks to him when he's home and she barely let's him kiss her" For a four, nearly five, year old she was pretty smart.

"I'm sure she still loves him"

"I don't think she loves me. She always takes me to nanny Liz's house"

"She loves you, OK? She's just, busy"

"Like daddy?"

"Yeah but for different reasons"


"Don't worry about it, OK?" She nodded and her frown was replaced with a small smile. I pulled her into my lap and she laid across it. I brought my hands to her sides and tickled her, her giggles sounding throughout the apartment. "Shall we go see what daddy's doing?" She nodded and I picked her up, taking her into the kitchen before sitting her on the island. Luke placed a plate in front of her and she began to eat. "She's smart, you know"

"She gets it from me" I rolled my eyes and nudged him.

"She said she thinks that Kylie doesn't love you or her"

"I wonder both myself"

"Luke, that's not the point. She obviously realises that something isn't right"

"I'll talk to her"

"Daddy?" We turned to the little girl who was sat smiling at us. "Can I go watch TV? I finished eating"
Luke nodded and lifted her off the island and let her wander off towards the TV.

"Did I tell you what my mum told me last night?" I shook my head. "She drove past Kylie walking with another guy and a kid. She said they looked happy"

"So she has time to look after someone elses kid but not her own?"

"Pretty much"

"The bitch"

"So you keep calling her" He said. "I know she did something to you a few years ago but what exactly happened? She'd never tell me"

"It doesn't matter, Luke"

"Well, you don't seem to like her that much anymore so it must matter"

"It's none of your business"

"I think it is"

"How so?"

"Well, I am married to her and friends with you"

"You really want to know?" He nodded. "It's ridiculous really. There was this guy, she knew I liked him loads. I hadn't liked a guy in years"

"So? What's the problem?"

"If you let me finish" He gestured for me to continue. "She decided she'd ask him out when we were at a party one time. They ended up together and she barely took notice of me. She wouldn't have even known him if it wasn't for me"

"That's a pretty bitchy thing of her to do. You know, one of my best friends slept with Kylie. She lured him in and got him drunk"

"Like you did with me?"

"Exactly the same except there's a slight difference" He said, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Which is?"

"I didn't do it out of spite and jealousy"

"Then why did you do it?"

"You're kind of cool, I guess"

"Thanks. You're kind of cool too, I guess"

"Thanks. Anyway, we should get going. If Kylie's gone home she'll be wondering where we are. Well, where Lola is anyway" I nodded and watched as he went to talk to Lola.


"I'll see you soon, yeah?" He said as he stood outside my apartment with Lola in his arms. I nodded.

"Yeah, just call me if you need anything"

"How can I do that without your number?"

"I'm sure one of your idiotic employees can find out what it is"

"We'll see. Wait for a unknown number to come up on your phone"

"I don't answer unknown numbers" He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, thanks for letting us stay"

"You're welcome anytime. I know what it's like to deal with Kylie all the time"

"Can we go home now?" Lola asked, quietly. Luke nodded and she showed a small smile. "Bye, Maddie"

"Bye, sweetie" She smiled again before cuddling more into Luke.

"We better go, someone's getting a bit restless"

"See you later"

"You too" He said before leaving and beginning to walk down the hall.

"Say hi to Kylie for me!" I shouted behind him and I heard him chuckle slightly before raising his middle finger to me without turning back.

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