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I woke up to bright light streaming through the open blinds. I sat up and looked around the room seeing my clothes sprawled around it. I laid back down, my head hurting like hell. After a couple of minutes I got up and grabbed a white shirt from putting it on and doing up some of the buttons.

I walked out into the open plan kitchen, dining room and living room to see someone sat at the island. I walked closer and realised it was Luke.

"Morning, baby" He said, turning to look at me. "Well, afternoon"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Do you not remember last night?"

"Of course I do. I'm just confused as to why you're still here"

"Because getting to see you in my clothes is just the icing on the cake. You look even more fuckable"

"You know you're married right?"

"You know the person you fucked is your best friend's husband right?" He mocked. "We're both as bad as each other"

"I didn't cheat"

"You helped me cheat though"

"Do you not feel bad about this at all?"

"Of course I do! I'm married for goodness sake. I shouldn't be sleeping with other women but here we are"

"You cannot put this on me"

"You told me to stay"

"You got me drunk and kissed me"

"We're both equally to blame. Let's leave it at that"

"Whatever, Hemmings. Why don't we just forget that this ever happened and carry on about our lives as if we don't even know each other?"

"I don't think I can do that"

"Why not?"

"Because you intrigue me, Miss Medina, and I'm sure you don't want this to be the last time that we cross paths" He said stepping closer to me.

"Don't tell me what I think. Just leave"

"I will, when I get my shirt back" I unbuttoned the shirt and chucked it at him, leaving me in just my underwear. "So beautiful" He mumbled as his hands caressed my sides. I walked into my room and grabbed a hoodie, pulling it over my body. He grabbed the rest of this stuff before walking to the front door. "Goodbye, Miss Medina" He said, planting a kiss on my cheek,

"Good riddance, Mr Hemmings" He smirked as I shut the door wondering what the hell I had done. I looked at the time seeing it was 2:56pm. There was no point going to work now. I sat on the sofa and turned the TV on. I had sex with my best friend's husband. Yes, she's cheating on him but still. There's no doubt about the that I enjoyed every moment of last night but it was still wrong.

I grabbed my phone off the table and unlocked it. I hovered over the call button before pressing the button and raising the phone to my ear.

"Come over" I said before hanging up.


"What's wrong? Why aren't you at work?" Sydney asked as soon as she stepped into the apartment.

"Luke fucking Hemmings"

"What did he do this time?"

"It's more what I did"

"Shit, Mads"

"I slept with him"

"You're in deep shit if Kylie finds out"

"I know"

"So, how was it?"

"Honestly, it felt good. I don't even feel that guilty"

"She's your best friend"

"She's been cheating on him for months"

"How did it end up happening?"

"I was working late, he came to the office, we got drunk, he got his driver to take us home, he walked me to the door and I told him to stay. Fuck knows what I was thinking"

"Told you you'd end up sleeping with him at some point"

"This remains between us"


"Should I tell Kylie?"

"I'd keep your mouth shut if I were you. It can't be the first time Luke's cheated anyway"

"I have a feeling it is, from what he was saying anyway"

"You realise that Kylie's having a Christmas dinner party next week and we're all invited though right?"

"Shit, I forgot about that"

"You can't not go"

"It's going to be so awkward with Luke there though"

"Listen to me, everything will be OK. If she's been cheating on him then it can't be that great of a relationship"

"I'm more worried about their kid. I don't want to be the reason a whole family falls apart"

"And you won't be. If Kylie's been cheating for months then Luke's barely to blame and therefore so are you" I nodded at her words. I didn't believe them. "I can't believe Luke hasn't cheated"

"He cheated before they got married but he hasn't since. Well, until last night"

"Don't worry about it. It'll all work out. Just do what you always do and bury yourself in your work"

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