Twenty Nine

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Luke's POV

"I can't believe you've got us doing this, Luke" Ashton complained.

"I could've made you paint the room. You're lucky I'm just making you put this shit together"

"What have you being doing all this time?" Michael asked.

"Finishing mine and Maddie's room"

"When's she coming over?"

"After work. Calum and Rocsi are going to bring her here and say they're taking her out"

"You've thought of everything then, huh?"

"Pretty much"

"Does Maddie even know about this place?"

"Not as far as I know. Maddie doesn't even know I've sold my apartment"

"Are you sure this is even the location she would want?"

"Maddie loves it out here. She told me she wanted to move out of LA but be close enough to get to work"

"It's really peaceful. I'm not surprised she likes it here" Michael said.

"You're practically on the beach too"

"I thought it would be good for Lola to grow up here and now our next child"

"Two kids already. The Luke Hemmings already had two kids" Ashton said.

"What happened to the fuckboy?"

"That was Calum not me" I said, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, I guess getting married knocked some sense into me and especially when Lola was born"

"I can't believe you and Maddie got together after all these years"

"I know. If Kylie hadn't got in the way I could've already been married and had a kid with Maddie"

"But you'd wouldn't have had Lola"



Maddie's POV

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked Calum and Rocsi who had just appeared at my apartment.

"We're taking you out"


"To eat. Calum and I went to this restaurant in Fountain Valley and it was so good and I knew you'd love it so you're coming with us"

"Guys, I'm really not feeling it right now"

"Come on, we haven't been out in ages"

"Fine but give me five minutes to get ready"

"You do what you gotta do" Rocsi said, coming into the apartment and making herself comfortable with Calum on the sofa.

"Is it fancy?" I asked them as I stood in my walk in wardrobe.

"Not at all" Calum yelled back. I quickly changed out of Luke's top and boxers and grabbed another one of his tops that was big enough to go over my bump. I pulled on my leather jacket and some black jeans before grabbing my small tan handbag. I grabbed my Timberland boots and put them on. Rocsi and Calum were stood by the door waiting as I came out.

"Let's go, bitches" Rocsi said making Calum roll his eyes.


"Where the fuck is this restaurant, guys? We've been driving for like two hours I swear" I spoke from the back seat.

"We're nearly there, I think. It was dark when we came so I'm not sure what was near it"

"Why did you come here anyway? Were you on a date?" I asked. Neither of them responded. "Oh my god, you were! Are you guys like a proper couple now?"

"Do not fangirl, remember your age" Rocsi said.

"I knew it. I shipped Calsi from day one"

"You're an idiot" Rocsi said and Calum nodded in agreement.

"You guys are so cute"

"Seriously, stop" Rocsi told me as Calum turned into a driveway.

"Guys, this doesn't look like a restaurant"

"That's because it's not"

"We lied but all for a good cause" Calum said as we got out of the car.

"Which is?"

"Your happiness"

"Wait, what? I'm confused" As I spoke the front door of the house opened and Lola ran out towards me.

"Mummy!" She squealed as I picked her up.

"Hey, sweetie. What are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be at kindergarten still?"

"Uncle Ashy picked me up early"

"Oh, he did?" She nodded.

"Mads, go inside" Rocsi said and I did as she said, stepping into the entrance of the house. I looked around admiring everything. I noticed the photos on the side of the stairs of Luke, Lola and I with empty frames the higher you went up. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Michael and Ashton now stood with Rocsi and Calum and Luke in front of me.

"Welcome home"

"I'm so confused"

"This is our house" Luke told me.

"You bought this for us?" He nodded.

"I bought it a couple of months ago. I've been having it renovated ever since"

"And it's done?"

"It's done. Want to look around?" I nodded and Rocsi offered to take Lola whilst Luke guided me. He showed me the kitchen, dining room, two living rooms, play room, garden/beach and offices.

"Luke, this is amazing"

"I'm glad you like it but wait until you see the bedrooms" He took my hand and showed me upstairs. We went into the two spare bedrooms first. "One day this room will be for our second child" Luke said and I couldn't help but smile. "This is Lola's room"

"It's gorgeous. Has she seen it?"

"Yeah, she loves it to bits" He told me. "Want to see the new baby's room?" I nodded. He guided me across the landing. I stepped into the room and smiled as I saw the white and champagne coloured room.

"Luke, this is perfect. Thank you so much" I said as I walked over to him, placing my hands on his cheeks and pressing my lips to his.

"You're welcome. You haven't seen our room yet" I took one final look at the bedroom before shutting the door and going into the bedroom Luke had just gone in. "And this, is ours" It was mostly white and extremely simple but it was extremely me and perfect.

"I love it so much"

"I'm glad" I walked over to the window and stood looking out at the beach view. I turned to see the sofa next to the window and saw writing on the cushions. I raised my eyebrows at it before turning to a nervous looking Luke.

"Why do these cushions say Mr and Mrs on them?"

"I was hoping you'd realise that" He walked over to me and took my hands in his. "Maddie, I know we haven't been together long but I love you so much. You've given me happiness, love and soon children. I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me and Lola. So, Madison Medina, will you marry me?"

"Yes" I choked out as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Thank god" Luke breathed a huge sigh of relief as he hugged me. "I was worried I'd have to chuck those cushions out the window if you said no" I chuckled as I pressed my lips to his. This day took a very unexpected turn.

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