Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

It has been a week since the elite squad went on the search of Anastasia and we haven't heard a thing since then. I was growing inpatient by the time. I even tried to followed them four times, but I always ended up been caught and brought back to the castle. They even put me on the dungeons, until they were sure that I couldn't followed the elite squad.

Apparently, Anastasia has been taken to a place called the Devil's mountain. A place where all the dark creatures lived since the beginning of times. I couldn't imaging Anastasia there all by herself. She must be scared to dead, and I couldn't do anything to go help her. I was stucked there in a stupid dungeon for almost two days!

I sighed in frustration as I went to the arena to start my training of the day. You see, since we got here the Queen has oredered us to train in close combat, magic, and other things like healing.

“You are late, Mead!” Saeros, our close combat teacher, yelled irritated from the arena's door. His green spiky long hair was tied on a ponytail. His piercing copper eyes were glaring at me. He had his sword strapped to his side. He was inches smaller than me, but that didn't stop him to act all tough and scary and I got to admit that it did scared me sometimes. “What was it this time? Did you got stuck on the restroom? Or did you got lost?”

He is one of the few elves here that don't like humans, but he has something against me since he meet me. I know that, because he never yell or get mad at Dustin and Naomi. Saeros is always trying to make annoyed me.

“No” I, calmly, said. “I was on my way here, and I just got a minute late”

“Don't talk back to me, little brat!” He scolded, glaring coldly at me. “Or I'll have you running around the arena with two rock tied to your waist”

I just rolled my eyes and went to join the others. I ignored him and I was starting to made my way toward my friends, when he suddendly stopped me by putting his arm in front of me, blocking my way in.

“Listen up, Mead. You better get here in time or next time I won't let it slip so easily, understood?”

I just looked at him, without saying a word.

“Understood?” He repeated more firmly.

“Understood!” I growled.

“Good, now give me thousand”

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“Want it to be two thousand?” He threated.

“Fine. I'll do thousand. This is not fair” I replied, glaring at him, the last part under my breath. And it was unfair! I can't believe he is treating me like this, just because I got one minute late! Apparently he heard me, because he replied by saying “Life is never fair, get use to it punk” and went toward my friends to tell them what to do.

“Now, everyone else get in pairs!” Saeron called.

I went to the side and drop to the floor over my chest with hands at my shoulder leve. I started to do the push-ups and I started to get lost in thoughts.

I was thinking about Anastasia...again. Everytime since we got here, I hadn't stop thinking about her. I was missing her a lot. I wondered how she was? If she was still alive?

No she has to be, if she is not I would blame myself forever, I thought. It was my fault that she got kidnapped and the worst about it was that I couldn't go saved her! It was my fault and I couldn't do anything about it.

“Mead!” I heard someone yelled, making me snapped out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a pissed off Saeros. “Are you done daydreaming?”

“ What do you want now? I'm doing your stupid push-ups!” I snapped.

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