Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

No this wasn't a dream. I know that, because I pinched myself enough times to leave a big and nasty bruise on my left arm.

I can't believed that this was happening for real. Life would never be the same for me, and my friends. Real dragons in front of us. This was awesome, but somehow creepy too.

“What are this little creatures?” Anastasia asked, “I mean they look” And I knew what she would say before she could say it.

“Like dragons?” I guessed.

“Yeah, but they can't be, right?” She hoped. “I mean dragons don't exist, but in the fairy tales” Truth was I thought the same thing, but having four little dragon alike creatures in front of us. So far was proving how wrong I was.

“But if they are not dragons what are they than?” Dustin asked. I knew he was shocked from what just happened. Somehow I was hundred percent sure, this creatures were dragons.

I turned my gaze from my shocked friend to the four little dragons. One of them —the light blue dragon— was looking at me with his serpent electrical blue eyes. He approached slowly toward me sniffing the air as if looking or recognizing something. For some reason I walked slowly toward him too, with my hand stretched out.

“What are you doing, Jason?” Naomi asked me, “We don't know what this um...dragons...can do?” I didn't replied to her. I just kept walking toward the little dragon until I was a foot away from him. The little dragon started sniffing my hand. I closed my eyes and wait for him to bite me or something.

After a moment later I didn't felt pain or anything. Instead I felt something wet and rough. I opened my eyes and saw that it was the dragon's tongue licking my hand. I moved my hand toward his head and petted gently.

His head was squamous and roughed from all the scales. The little dragon looks like he like me. I sat on my knees and he jumped on my lap and huddled on my lap.

“Guys? Look” I said, turning my head toward them. “He seem to like me”

“He?” Dustin asked, “How do you know is a he?” Truth was I didn't know, but I got a feeling that the creature was a he. I just shrugged, he just rolled his eyes.

I saw the other three dragons stand and walked toward the others, just like the blue one did with me. They carefully started to sniffed the air walking toward the others. The green dragon that was just a little smaller than the blue one started to sniffed Dustin's hand carefully. The other two, the yellow and the light green dragon, did the same with Naomi and Anastasia.

After like three or so minutes of sniffing and licking, the little dragons were laying on the others laps. They were sleeping -I wanted to believed that- so peacefully. I looked at my friends shocked faces and I swear it was priceless.

“OK, is it this a dream, right?” Dustin asked, looking down at the sleeping dragon on his lap. To be honest I really want to believed that, but I mean it must be a dream this creatures can't be real that would be...insane. But I knew it wasn't a dream. Believe me I have the bruise to prove it, and the pain is not nice.

“I wish it was, but it's seem like they are real” I said.

“Your kidding, right? This are DRAGONS, D-R-A-G-O-N-S, mythological creatures that only exist in fairy tales!”

“Well, it seem that or we are inside a fairy tale or dragons really do exist and are in front of us” Naomi said. She was petting the little dragon and she was smiling.

“Can we take them home?” Anastasia asked with begging eyes. “Please! I want to take them with us. They are so cute!”

“Really? Cute?” Dustin asked looking at her like a weirdo. “This things are not cute!” I have to admitted, they were freaky, but somehow cute.

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