Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

My grandpa always told me stories about dragons, magic and all that fairy tales. I thought they were just that...stories, fairy tales, fantasy. Well, a few months ago I discovered that all those stories were...well, true.

My name is Jason...Jason Mead. I'm sixteen-years-old, and a few months ago I was normal teen. Or as normal a person can be. But everything change on that school field trip we had at Argos High, the only high school here at Sunny hill town. It's a nice and friendly town, but you know what they say about little towns...what was it?...small town, big hell...or something like that.

Anyways, the point is that here in Sunny Hill town is nice and friendly, but everyone here are... well you can say they are gossipers. Everyone wanting to know all about you. I think they know you more than what you really know yourself.

The day, everything changed, was a sunny day. It was the middle of March, and the day was hot and windy. Perfect for a day to go to the forest in a field trip, yeah nothing better and it looks like it's going to be a great day. Man, I wish I knew how wrong I was.

I was going to the front of the school to get on the bus that would take us to our destination. I was walking hearing my music, when I felt someone tapped me on the back. When I turned around I saw my best friend Dustin and his sister Anastasia Roberts.

Dustin and Anastasia are sixteen-years-old like me too. They both has brown hair and high cheek bones, hazel eyes and tanned skin. And they look alike, because they are twins! But the difference is that Anastasia has long curly hair like a princess and a athletic body. And Dustin has straight short hair and has a jock's body, because he is on the football team. He is taller by inches and older by minutes than Anastasia.

“Hey, what's up guys?” I said, unplugging my earphones and giving Dustin a high fives and Anastasia a hug, but I think I saw her face got a little bit pink when I broke the embrace . Ah, it could had been my imagination.

“Not much, man and you?” Dustin asked me. He was wearing short jeans and converse with a orange T-shirt, and a backpack slung over his shoulder. He was smiling wide, I guess his excited for the field trip.

“Same, just a little tired” I said. “ And what's up with the big smirk, man? You are scaring me” I asked him, making him smiled even more wide, if that's even possible. And he was actually scaring me, he is not the usually morning person.

“Don't worry Jason” Anastasia said walking form behind Dustin. She was wearing a yellow T-shirt and some denims shorts with white converses “He has been smiling like that since yesterday. I don't think he even fall asleep last night from the excitement” she adds giggling, making Dustin blushed. I couldn't help myself, but laughed at him.

It's amazing how much they both looks alike, but at the same time so much different. Dustin is cool to hang out and he is very funny, but don't get on his way when he's in a bad mood or just woke up. Anastasia, instead, is very sweet and nice. And she is pretty and a good friend. I think I had never seen her get mad or yelled at someone before.

“Shut up, Anastasia!” Dustin shouted, blushing more. “I just like going to the woods” I don't think he had ever went to the forest before.

“Dustin, you have never went to a forest before” Anastasia said confirming my thought. “Not even because we leave near one” she tease, straightening her T-shirt. And I have to say that she looks really pretty with that T-shirt. Dustin was about to say something, but I cut him off.

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