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We arrive back in the TARDIS, and a sense of relief fills us all.

"Let's put them both to bed." I say, and Rose nods. She follows me down the corridor to Matty's bedroom, where I carry him in, and lay his sleeping self down on the bed. Gently, I remove his shoes and old clothes from the day, and slip a pyjama T-shirt over his head. He's too tired to do anything more than stir slightly, and then I tuck him in. I press a kiss to his forehead, and silently leave the room. I find no Rose in the corridor, but our bedroom door is open. I follow in her footsteps and find her in a new room leading on from ours. She's lent over a beautifully decorated crib, the TARDIS must have designed it for us. Rose hears me and beckons me over. As I approach I look over the crib too. There lies Jenny, looking perfectly tranquil in a gentle sleep, dressed in a yellow baby grow and luring flat on her back.

"She's so beautiful" I say. Rose smiles and looks up at me, I smile back and lead us into our room, I'm fear of waking Jenny. I turn her to face me and pull her into a giant hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." She whispers, and buries her head into my chest. After a while, I break the hug and lead her over to the bed, where we both sit side by side.

"I'm so sorry," I say after a few minutes silence.

"It wasn't your fault." She sighs and intertwines her hands with mine.

"But it was, if I had just killed him back when he took Matthias, everything would've been fine." I say.

"No," Rose shakes her head and we both move so were facing each other on the bed. "Because you don't kill, that's not who you are and what you do. You save people, not kill them. Remember that." She says. I smile lightly and place my hand on her cheek.

"You always say exactly what I need to hear." I say.

She smiles. "That's my job."

I laugh lightly and she holds her hand over mine, which is pressed to her cheek.

"Rose, it was so dangerous today...I think these and adventures are getting too dangerous."

She drops my hand "What are you saying?"

"That maybe we should take a break, I can't have you getting into any more trouble."

"You don't want me anymore." Rose says. I shake my head.

"No, that's definitely not what I'm saying."

"Well what, then? Because I know it was dangerous today, but that was all because of the Master, who's now dead."

"I know. But I almost lost you. In fact, I thought you had actually died..." I trail off and Rose swallows. "When I saw you laying on the beach, and Martha trying so hard to save you, I realised that I probably couldn't see you again. Martha stopped the CPR and shook her head, and I just sat there and cried with you in my arms. I daren't let go, ever. And then the Canti's saved you, and I could never, ever be more happy." I finish. I notice Rose has a tear rolling down her cheek. She grabs my hand.
"So we take a break from this, calm down and try to live normally for a while." She says. I nod.
"But I'm not going all domestic."
"I know, and I would never expect that of you." She smiles and presses her forehead to mine.
"Tomorrow, I'll do a full scan on you in the infirmary, and give you any medication you may need." I say.
"You sound like a real Doctor." Rose teases.
"I am a real Doctor!" I say. Rose laughs.
"Okay, okay." She says "So, sleep now?"
"Sleep." I reply. We both get in our pyjamas, and curl under the covers. This time we lie facing each other, noses just touching. My hand snakes around her waist, and she smiles. Gently, she places her lips on mine in a kiss so soft it could almost be a butterfly landing and then flying away. My eyes flutter closed and she presses her lips to mine again, this time a little stronger. I respond and kiss her back gently. After a while we pull apart.
"Goodnight Doctor." She whispers, and her eyes close, tiredness overwhelming her.
"Goodnight, my pink and yellow human."

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