Perfectly Unimaginable

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Long chapter but hope you enjoy it! Sorry I haven't been updating much recently, been so busy!

Ella :))


The Doctor pulls me into the console room and flicks at some controls.

"Where we going?" I asks. He smiles lightly.

"Wait and see." He pulls the leaver, clearly buzzing about the secret destination. As the TARDIS lands I shout to Jack in the spa to look after Matthias and he says yes back to me. The Doctor takes my hand again and leads me to the doors.

"Close your eyes." He says, and lays hands hands over my eyes. I giggle and I hear the sound of the door being opened. The smell of summer fruits and salty water fills my nostrils, and the sound of night time crickets fill the air. I take a breath and step out, my eyes closed beneath the Doctors hands. I'm so tempted to peek, but I want to see this bug secret properly, not through the gaps of his fingers. He removes his hands with the order to keep my eyes shut. I nod and smile.

"Where are we?" I say, jumping about a little like a five year old waiting to go to the theme park.

"Wait and see!" He says, and I hear him step behind me, and fumble with something. Then the fabric of his tie slips over my eyes and he ties it at the back.

"Can I just open my eyes now?" I ask willingly, excitement of the unexpected filling me.

"Be patient! It's not far." He says, and takes my hands, leading me over what feels like a raised piece of land. The ground beneath my bear feet is unmistakably grass, and it tickles between my toes as I walk along. The grass feels warm just like the air too, as if it has been sat in being soaked in the sun all day. Maybe it has. The Doctor comes to a stop, and swivels me around to face whatever it is he's waiting for me to see. He gently peels back my blindfold and tilts my head upwards.

"Can I open?" I whisper quietly, to excited to barely speak. This is so much better than just opening the Tardis doors, but also so much more unbearable to wait.

"Yes." He replies softly. So I do.

The world around me seems frozen all of a sudden. Like I've opened my eyes to a fraction of time separate from all others, where time has fractured and no longer exists. Probably because this is definitely a different planet. But here feels separate, different to anywhere else I've ever been, and undeniably the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. The sky above me is a deep pool of sapphire, fading into an abyss of deep purple clouds, with thousands, maybe millions of white stars filling the nights sky. And the sky's moving; the clouds swirl into different shades of purple, forming blooms of colour around the fixated stars. I look down to find myself on the top of a hill, looking out at a sight I could never possibly of imagined. Immediately trees fill my vision, hanging with some sort of shining golden light, and giving of a warm, twinkling glow. Down below the trees lay glowing pools of blue, small shimmering aqua oceans under the starlight. I sigh deeply, taking in the implausible sight before my eyes. And what's that sound? Music? A gentle breeze blows, flapping my hair around my face, sending wafts of the most enchanting notes through my ears. I have never been anywhere quite so perfectly unimaginable.

"Do you like it?" The Doctor asks, I feel him look over at me, but I keep my eyes glued to the sight before me. Words are jammed in my throat. I try to speak but nothing comes out. I swallow and manage to pull my eyes away from the planet's beauty and to face the Doctor. But of course, the sight I look over to is just as beautiful. His eyes shine brightly in the reflection of stars and glowing trees. I smile so wide my face could positively split.

"I love it." I say. And those words are enough, and he knows that.

"The planet's called Canticum Aurae, Latin for "a gentle song""

"They speak Latin here?" I ask.

"No. But the planet's so old, the Tardis places it into the Latin category."

"How far back are we?" I ask, looking back up at the drifting sapphire sky.

"Millions of years, too far to say. And the people here, they're not people...yet. But in a few million years, there will be people here, some that somewhat resemble humans and others slightly different. They'll have so society and houses, and they live by ancient prophecy's. But right now the it's only the wind, the wind is alive, and it sings."

"Tell me about one of the prophecy's." I say, not taking my eyes off the beautiful sight in front of me.

"The most ancient prophecy is The Prophecy of The Canti's. It says, that in a few million years time, two young, starcrossed individuals will meet each other and fall in love instantly. One is Canti born, and the other a type of hybrid. Apparently they will go on to save nations and galaxies. But I don't know the rest of the story" he says.

"That's beautiful." I say, and turn my gaze upward to the sky. The Doctor looks up at the sky too. I know he knows this is exactly what I needed to see. I may not have much time left, but being here for more than a minute feels like a forever. And the Doctor knows that.

And as if the night couldn't get any better, the Doctor smiles and presses his lips to mine gently. It's a small kiss, and not enough to thank him for what he's brought me to, but he seems eager for something.

"I've got something to show you." He says.

"What is it?" I ask, keeping my eyes fixed on his. He takes a deep breath.

"I know I said I wouldn't, but I have to. Because I will save you, so what I'm about to do is inevitable." He smiles. I furrow my brow but smile at him in confusion. He takes a deep breath and gets down onto one knee. My breath hitches in my throat, shock falling over me in waves. The breeze becomes a little stronger, and the song becomes a little louder. Then he pulls out a small royal blue box, and opens it, to reveal a sapphire ring, and inside a glowing crystal. I gasp.

"Rose Marion Tyler, would you do me the honour, of becoming my wife?" The Doctor asks. I feel a tear drop down my cheek. My whole body is frozen and I smile wider than ever before.

"Of course I will!" I say. He places the ring smoothly onto my finger, gets up and wraps me in a warm hug, and I hold him so tight I will possibly never let go. The winds so strong now, the song playing becomes louder, and then the wind is all around us, flapping in my hair and blowing my dress around. The Doctor lifts me up and twirls me around through the melody, and I laugh, falling back against his shoulder. He presses his lips to mine and I twist my hands through his hair. Suddenly a gust of wind parts through the both of us, pulling us gently apart. I look at the Doctor confused, but his eyes are fixed on my stomach. I'm about to ask what but I feel a jolt. I look down, and I'm glowing, my stomach is glowing a soft gold colour.

"What is it? What's happening?" I say, completely confused to why I have miraculously started to glow.

"Look!" He says, and points to the outline of the glowing "The baby." He says. I look closer, and see the golden glow has formed the shape of our growing child, so small, but there, and alive.

"Oh my gosh." I say, and the Doctor places his hands on my stomach. Suddenly the music becomes even louder, and the melody becomes distinct soft voices I can't quite understand.

"What's it saying?" I ask, looking at the Doctor, the wind blowing my hair over my eyes. He looks up into my eyes and smiles.

"Puella ad audiendum nomine Jenny" he says with a grin.

"Jenny? What does that mean?" I ask, raising my voice over the loud song.

"Her name is Jenny." He smiles even wider. I'm consider for a second before I get it, I look down at my glowing stomach and realise. My baby's a girl, and in the language of Canticum Aurae, her name is Jenny. I look up at the Doctor, tears shining in my eyes. I run and wrap my arms around him once more, laughing into his shoulders.

"No need to save you anymore." He says.

"What?" I lean back, inches from his face.

"The Canti's, the voices in the song, have blessed you with their music, your safe now." If it's even possible, he smiles wider. Happiness fills me, and the song of warmth and our daughter flow through me, and the glowing fades away, and so does the music. But if I concentrate hard, I can hear it inside me, in the beat of Jenny's heart.

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