Telling Jackie

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(Shortish chapter, sorry!)

The Doctor's POV


I open the door as Rose runs into the flat and straight into Jackie's arms. "What is it?" Jackie asks with a small laugh, returning Rose's hug. 

"She's not going to die. She's been saved." I say with a smile. Jackie smiles brightly in certain disbelief.

"What? What happened?" She says, and Rose pulls back.

"Oh Mum! The Doctor took me to this planet with glowing trees and purple sky! And the trees were singing and then the song went straight into me, and-" she tries to carry on, but I know by the taken-aback expression upon Jackie's face it would be best to explain this slowly.

"And let's sit down." I hold Rose's shoulders and steer her in the direction if the sofa. We both flop down beside each other, a regular occurrence, and Jackie takes the armchair. I explain everything to Jackie, but obviously in a simplified  fashion otherwise she 100% won't have any idea what I'm talking about.

"So you're fine now?" Jackie looks at Rose beside me after I've finished talking. 

"Yeah, I'm good." She nods. "And mum...there something I want to show you." Rose looks at me with a grin and I know immediately what she's talking about. She senses that I'm about to get up and leave the room to avoid any awkward hugs, so she grips my hand tight in hers, keeping me sat beside her. "Look." Rose holds up her left hand to show Jackie. Jackie gasps, and clamps a hand to her mouth.

"Oh my God!" She says.

"I know!" Rose smiles and looks over at me with a grin so wide it reaches beyond her eyes. Jackie gets up and walks over, admiring the sapphire ring upon Rose's finger.

"My daughters marrying an alien!" She says, and I laugh. Rose giggles.

"Mum!" She says.

"Congratulations!!!" Jackie says, and pulls Rose off The sofa in to a giant hug. "You're finally getting married!" She says.

"I know." Rose says against her shoulders holding Jackie equally as tight.

"Come here you." Jackie pulls me up into the hug. I try to pull away but the Tyler force is stronger than any time lord. So I let myself be pulled into the hug. Rose buries her face into my shoulder, and I notice Jackie crying. She wipes away her tears quickly and gapes at Rose.

"We'll have to buy a dress! And shoes! And we'll have to start planning!" Jackie says excitedly.

"For now, let's take it slow. We can think about that soon though." Rose smiles. Jackie pulls out the hug, leaving my arm around Rose.

"We'll have to tell Mickey! And Jack! Oh my gosh!" Jackie smiles and runs over to the phone. I look down at Rose.

"I can't wait to tell Matthias." She smiles up at me.

"Neither can I!" I say, and pull her into another hug. I lift her off the ground and spin her in a circle. Rose laughs and I grin up at her, spinning so much I'm making is both dizzy. 

"Oi! Watch my vase!" Jackie says, before picking up the phone and dialling a number. I set Rose down, with her still laughing.

"Come on, let's go tell the others." She says, and takes my hand, leading me to the door.


Sorry this is short but the next chapter I'm writing right now is quite long so far. Hope you're enjoying this, bare with me on the updates! I'm trying my hardest :)) I'm also in the process of writing my other new Tenrose fanfic, but I don't know when to post the first chapter, I may just wait until I've finished this book as if may be easier. 

Ella :)))))

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