Sea of Tears

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~The Doctors POV

I'm thrown backwards, the force so strong sending us all off out feet and onto the cold sand. I hear the lightning strike and squint, seeing a beam of bright light shoot down to the beam, holding only Rose. The sky turns black and a crack opens up, darkness circling. I look around us, the werewolf is running for his life down the beach, Martha is sat cradling Jenny, who is still crying, Matty is circled in a tight ball shielding himself next to Clara, Jack is right beside me, staring up at the horror before us, and Mickey is further behind, getting to his feet. I jump up, and run. There's only a matter of time. I hear Jack follow behind as he runs towards Rose, who has lightning surging through her body. I have to do this. I throw myself at the Master, knocking him off his feet. Quickly, I yank the button out his hands, and kick down the control panel. One more thing. Mickey runs beside me jumps on top of the Master, before he can attack again. With all the strength in my body, I pull all five cables from the beams, and the crack closes. A loud bang sparks from Rose's beam, and the lightning suddenly disappears. Mickey punches the master, knocking him straight out. Frantically, pulls him over and straps him to a spare beam. Only one thought runs through my head: Rose. The lighting has gone, and the sky as returned to dark. Only the bright light of the moon shines down on us now, and the faint light of an abandoned torch. Frantically, I run towards Rose. Jack has cut her free, and laid her on the sand. He looks at me and shakes his head, sadness evident on his face. As soon as I reach her I kneel down beside her still body.

"Rose?" I say, pulling my hand beneath her head. "Talk to me, Rose." But there's no reply, her limp body lies before me, her eyes closed.

"Doctor, I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat." Jack says. "The lighting was too much on just one person."

I shake my head. "No, no. Rose, come on, come on." I pull her closer towards me, and place my hand on her cheek. Mickey just watches in horror.

"I'm a doctor! I can help, please." I hear Martha approach and she moves beside me. I move aside, and take Rose's hand in mine. Martha immediately begins CPR, and all I can do is watch in helplessly. "Come on, come on." I whisper to Rose. Two minuets pass, nothing.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes. Martha stops, she's done everything. The kiss of life didn't even work.

"Rose! Come on!" I say, as Martha pulls back, a tear rolling down her face.

"Doctor, she's gone. We can't do anything-" Jack starts.

"Please! There's got to be a way!" I shout. Nothing can stop my tears now. Realisation has hit me, she's really gone. Clara appears beside us at the scene, and moves over by Jack. She's holding Jenny, who has quietened slightly. Matty approaches. 

"Mummy?" He says, and moves by me and Rose, "Mummy? What's wrong? Why won't you wake up, Mummy?"

"Matty," I hold his shoulder "please, stay back." But he doesn't, he just starts to cry. He shouldn't have to see this.

"Mummy! Come back! Please!" He shouts, tears falling. Martha pulls him back and into a hug. Matty wraps his arms around her, crying whole heartedly against her shoulder. Mickey lays a hand on Martha's shoulder. I turn back to Rose, tears falling.

"I'll save her Matty!" I say through tears, but he just continues to cry. Even I know that's not possible.

"Rose, please. I need you." I say, and press my lips to hers. I pull back, no reaction, no blush of colour to her cheeks, of course not. I'm not that much of a fairy tale. It's no use, she's gone. It's too much. I collapse onto her, my head against her neck, tears spilling out onto her still body. I pull her against me, and cry into her shoulder. This was my fault. My fault. I bury my face into her hair "I love you." I repeat, over and over. She's still limp, lifeless.  "I could never love anyone more, and I can't loose you." I whisper, and wrap my arms harder around her. My tears continue to fall; they could form rivers, maybe lakes, or the sea. A sea of tears on Bad Wolf bay.

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