The Canti's Blessing

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"Doctor." Clara speaks up. I don't reply, just continue to hold Rose against me.

"Doctor!" Jack says too. I ignore him too.

"Doctor!" Martha pipes up.

"Doctor, listen!" Mickey shouts.

"Daddy!" Matty tugs at my arm. I finally pull my face up, tears staining my cheeks.

"What?" I say "Can I not just have a-" but then I see it. Golden light, shining up from Rose's chest. I lay her down on the sand.

"What is it?" Jack asks.

"I don't..." But then it hits me "The planet Canticum Aurae, the Canti's, they blessed Rose!" I say, and grab her hand. Golden light swirls up into the air, trails of what looks like stardust absorbing around us, a soft tune of the Canti's flowing through the oceans breeze.

"Oh my god." Mickey says, grabbing Martha's hand. Matty doesn't let go of my sleeve, just stares in shock as the sparkling light fills Rose's chest. Clara holds Jenny, who had now stopped crying, and Jack swallows hard, his eyes fixated on Rose.

"Rose?" I say, and her eyes burst open, shining like golden stars.

"She has been saved." Rose says, but I know it's not really her speaking.

"What's that voice?" Clara asks. I look up, the small brunette is leant against Jack, cradling a quiet Jenny in her arms.

"The Canti's, they're speaking through her." I reply, and turn my head back towards Rose.

"Our people have blessed the Bad Wolf herself, along with her whole family. Her daughter Jenny will grow hair the colour of gold, a constant reminder of our people. Never forget us, for we have saved many but this means the most. Keep safe, and look after her, she needs a caring for. Our blessing shall stay with you until death. And Doctor, you still have your granted one last regeneration, if you ever wish to use it, but it won't change your looks, just bring you back to life. Goodbye, and think kindly of us." Canti-possessed Rose stops speaking, and the light vanishes. Rose squints and her eyes open, back to their normal hazel colour.

"D-Doctor?" She stutters, sitting up a little. I smile wider than ever before, and wrap her tight in my arms.

"Rose." I say, tears spilling everywhere.

"I was dead, I-I couldn't see, and the was so much light..." She trails off.

"I thought I lost you, you wouldn't come back, Rose! You were dead" I say through sobs. She rubs her hand up my back.

"I'm here now" she whispers "But why...I can't remember-"

"The Canti's saved you again, don't worry, your back." I hold her tighter.

"I love you." She says, and pulls herself even tighter against me.

"I love you too." I whisper. She smiles, and pulls back wiping tears from my cheek and presses her forehead to mine.

"You're really real?" I say, not quite believing it.

"Really real." She grins, and presses her lips to mine. I pull her closer, and she tangles her hands in my hair. Then Matty comes up beside us.

"I thought you were dead Mummy! Don't do that again!" He says, on the break of tears. We break apart and Rose wraps him in a hug.

"And don't you go getting yourself captured ever again, you hear me?" Rose says.

"I hear. So it's a deal?" Matty asks.

"Deal." Rose nods and hugs him even tighter. They hold each other for a while, everyone around us completely silent. Then realisation hits her "Where is she? Where's Jenny?"

"Here." Clara holds her out and Rose takes her, Matty clinging on to Rose's sleeve, not wanting to let any part of Rose go.

"She's fine, I checked." Martha says. Rose smiles and presses a kiss to Jenny's forehead. A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away swiftly. I notice Mickey crying, along with Jack.

"Mummy, can I see?" Asks Matty, who peers over Rose's shoulder.

"Of course." Rose hands Jenny over to Matty. He looks down at her like the proudest little boy on Earth.

"I'm a real big brother." He smiles widely.

"You certainly are." I say. I smile at us all, fine and together. A family, who flight and won against the Master.

"What about the Master?" Jack says.

"Yeah, what will we do with him now?" Mickey asks, glancing to the Masters current knocked out state, strapped to a beam. But before I can reply, an familiar voice comes from behind.

"We kill him."

I turn around to find Lucy, a gun at her side, blonde hair up in a pony tail, and a face like sharp stone. "Lucy?" I say, shock flowing through me.

"Yes. I'm here to kill him." She nods.

"Well, shouldn't we-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"No, I kill him tonight." She says "That man destroyed both out lives. He took Matthias from you as a baby, then a child, and then he stole Jenny too. Just because you have them back doesn't mean he won't strike again. We have to put an end to this, tonight." She says. The others nod.

"But he's the only other Timelord left..." I say. But Lucy shakes her head.

"No, he's not. I'm pregnant." She says.

"But I thought you couldn't...." Rose says.

"He found a way. I'm two months gone, when this ones born it'll be fully Timelord, it was another plan of his. Genetic mutation. But it won't be a fighter, I'll make sure." Lucy says.

"But with genes like his, it could bring down the world." Mickey says.

"No, I injected myself with angel blood, this child shall do no harm. So we kill the Master, tonight."

I sigh and nod "If it's the only way to stop him."

"I'm prepared," Lucy holds up the gun "I'll kill him."

"Being a murderer is an incredibly great burden to carry with you for the rest of your life." I say.

"I can live with it. I will. But he has to be killed. Tonight."

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