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So....I know ages ago I was like should I make this story more fluff oriented or with something different, and I chose fluff. So now I've brought in my original idea to the story! This should spice up the story a bit because I  was worried it was getting boring....So it's all going down in this chapter.

Ella :) 


~4 months later (Rose is 8 months pregnant)

The Doctors POV


"Doctor." I hear Rose call from the bathroom as I sit on the bed tying my shoes laces.

"What? What is it?" I call back. Finishing the last lace; I've been instructed to take Matty shoe shopping.

"Look at this." Rose calls again. I sigh and get off the bed and walk into our bathroom. There stands Rose by the sink, her stomach protruding largely under her jumper.

"What?" I ask. She beckons be over and lifts up her hair. I about to ask what she means again, but then I notice. At the bottom of her neck, lays a small image of a 5 point star. A tattoo?

"Rose, you went and got yourself tattooed?" I ask in disappointment.

"No! I just noticed it! I swear it wasn't there this morning, it just appeared!" She says.

"That's impossible, nothing just appears."

"You're wrong. Your TARDIS just appears. So actually, this did just appear." Rose says.

"A star," I say, and run my fingers over the inky pattern.

"Yeah. What is it Doctor?" She turns to face me "Will it hurt me or Jenny? Is us dangerous?" She asks quickly, beginning to panic.

"Woah, Rose, hold it." I say "I'll promise I'll figure out what it is, but give me some time. I've never seen anything like it." I say.

"Right. Well, I do need you to go and get Matty a new pair of shoes, so I'll wait here and then when you get back you can suss it out." Rose says. I shake my head.

"No, I'm not leaving you. What if something happens? What if that tattoo isn't just a tattoo? What if you go into labour?" I say.

"Woah, Doctor, hold it." Rose says, mimicking my words from earlier "You're not getting out of this, you promised. I'm not really in the mood to move very far at the moment so if you could go and get the shoes, that'd be great." Rose says. I sigh.

"Alright, but I'll be back soon." I say. Rose smiles and presses her lips lightly to mine.

"Thank you."


"Come on Matthias." I tug at Matty as he strolls behind me on the pavement, scuffing his old green trainers "It won't take long."

"I hate shoe shopping." He says, kicking stones along as he drags behind.

"So do I. But Mummy's staying at home, so it's up to us." I say. I still feel edgy about leaving Rose yon her own. Anything could happen, and that tattoo thing is completely out of the blue and has me worried, what if it's dangerous?....

"How long will it takeeee?" Matty whines, looking up at me.

"Not long if you hurry up." I say. Matty follows me around the corner and into the shoe shop. An old man behind a desk looks up and smiles as soon as we enter.

"Can I help?" He asks.

"No thanks, we're just going to look." I smile and take Matty's hand. The man nods, and I can't help feel I recognise him. I shake the thought off, and lead Matty to the kids section at the back of the store. I let go of Matty's hand and move to the shelf of trainers much like a newer version of what he's wearing now. I feel that's the safe way to go, seeing as Rose approved of those, and she trusted me to do what she calls a "mundane" task, so I can't let her down. I pick up a pair of shoes off the shelf, they're blue and green, with a black stripe down the side.

"How about these?" I say, turning round. Only I find Matthias with his back to me, staring up at a shelf. I follow his gaze and find a pare of small, red converse high tops .

"Those ones," Matty points to the top shelf. "They're nice." He smiles. I smile at my boy who is taking after me when he's only just turned 5. I look down at the pair of shoes in my hands. The converse are so much nicer, but these trainers are very similar to the ones Rose picked out before. I sigh, I don't buy Matty much stuff, mainly because he makes it himself, or he finds stuff when we go travelling.

"Okay. Let's try them on." I find myself pulling the shoes off the shelf and Matty makes a "yes" gesture as he sits down. I'm about the put them on his feet, when the old man comes over.

"These ones is it?" He asks. And there it is again; that strange underlined feeling that I know him from somewhere.

"Yes please" Matty pipes up.

"Quite popular at the moment, aren't they?" The old man takes the box from me and starts putting the converse into Matty.

"Daddy's got them too, so I want to match." Matty smiles at me.

"So young man, what's your name?"

"Matty." He says, and looks at the man with a similar look to what I gave him, a look asking where you've seen him before.

"Lovely name." He says, and slides the converse onto Matty's feet. I've got to admit they're a perfect fit.

"Go for a walk around, get a feel for them." The man says. So Matty gets up and instead of walking, runs around the shop.

"Full of beans, isn't he!" The man laughs. But it's not a nice laugh, it's croaky and strangled, and almost fake. Matty appears back around the corner.

"You like them?" The man asks.

"Yes, they're lovely." Matty looks up at me with hopefully eyes. I sigh.

"Go on then, we'll take them." I say.

"Thank you, daddy!" Matty runs up and hugs me "But If mummy tells us off, I'm blaming you." I say to Matty who is happily jumping up and down. "Can he wear them home?" I ask the man.

"Of course." He smiles and gets a box from behind a cabinet. "You can put your other shoes in here. I thank him and he walks over to me "You can pay at the cashpoint over there, sir. Charlie will serve you." He says. I nod and look at Matty who is tying his laces on a beanbag. He's fine there, so I walk up to the counter. So called "Charlie" is a small, scrawny girl who only looks about 14.

"Alright mr?" She asks, tapping the desk with her rather large pink nails.

"Yeah. My sons wearing his new shoes home, but I'm here to buy them." I say.

"Alright," She nods. "Which ones were they?"

"Red converse." I say. Charlie nods and types something into her keyboard.

"40 quid then" she says with a mouthful of gum. I sigh and hand over the cash. She nods at me when the transactions done and I turn back around. But I'm greeted by an empty beanbag. I quickly scan the shop, no old man, and no Matthias. Oh god.

"Matty?" I call, and start walking round the shop frantically, but it's only small and with not much space to cover it's obvious neither him or the old man are in the shop. I turn the the desk in hope for help, but Charlie's gone too. But she was there a second ago! "Matty?! Matthias?!" I call, but no reply. Frantically I run out onto the streets outside, and am shocked at who I see. Right across the road, dragging a struggling Matty behind him, is the man I never wanted to see.

The Master.

That's who the old man was. The Master wears exactly the same clothes, it was just a disguise to trick me. He smiles at me, pulls Matty beside him who is now kicking and shouting. I shout at the top of my lungs "NO!" And run across the street towards them, but the Master slams down a button in his jacket and a bright light beams up in to the air. Just like that, they're gone. 

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