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If Rose'd just listen, things would be so much easier. And now she thinks I've gone and kissed Martha. I just blurted out that I kissed her because I was worried. It was a genetic transfer. But the likely hood she'll believe me now is about 0%, or 0.5% at a push. I'm going to have to fix this. I can't help feeling in the same position I was 5 years ago with what happened with Reinette. I love Rose, and now she thinks I hate her, and repel her, or worse, want to get rid of her, or am bored of her. I kick the Tardis console in annoyance and flop back against the jumpseat. I look down at the old seat and a very old, but very pleasant memory comes to mind, but I push it away. No time for thoughts like that. I need to fix this, before its too late. Her words "I may never speak to you again" and "I bet your glad we can't have kids together." Run through my mind on a constant showreel which I can't switch off. I wonder of she's awake now, or whether she's fast asleep. I check my watch 6:02AM. She's been in that room for 8 hours already. Suddenly, the Tardis phone rings, making me jump. I snatch it up and hold it to my ear.
"Hello?" I call into the phone.
"Doctor. It's Jack. Can you let me in?"
"But I'm in the vortex. How can you even be out there?" I say.
"You're not in the vortex, you're on the Powell Estate."
"But I never-"
"Just let me in." Jack calls. So I put down the phone and head to the doors. I open them and find a very snowy Powell Estate.
"I never even flew her here." I say, looking up at the Tardis.
"She can fly herself places can't she? If someone asks to go somewhere, she'll take them sometimes. That what you told me."
"Oh my god." I say, realisation dawns on me.
"What?" Jack asks "Can I come in?" He asks. I run off and go straight to Rose's bedroom. I can hear Jack following. "Doctor. What's wrong?"
"It's Rose." I say, and open her door "She's gone back home." I say, looking around.
"What do you mean?"
"She must've asked the Tardis to take her when I fell asleep earlier."
"Where's Matthias?" Jack asks. I run to his bedroom and open the door only to find him fast asleep in his bed.
"He's still here, just sleeping." I say.
"Would you care to explain what's going on?" Jack asks. I sigh "Alright, come with me." Me and Jack go to the library, and I explain everything to him, about Martha, the kiss, and Rose storming off.
"So now she thinks you've kissed someone else?" Jack says.
"Yeah." I swallow hard and look down.
"Then what're you playing at? Go to her!"
"I'll look after Matthias. Just go."
"I'll be back soon." I say, and start making my way to the doors if the Tardis when I see a small brunette girl on the ramp, looking utterly confused.
"What? Who are you?" I say.
"I'm Clara. I was looking for Jack..." She trails off "What is this place?"
"Jack!" I shout. He comes running in "Care to explain?"
"Clara! I told you to stay outside.
"It's snowing, I was cold." She shrugs her shoulders and flakes of show fall off her green coat.
"Jack, this isn't good. Who is she?"
"My...well, she's my girlfriend." He says. Clara smiles.
"Well, just don't touch anything, okay? But look after Matthias. I'll be back." I stalk past Clara and out into the falling snow. I let the Tardis doors shut behind me and stop in the snow for a second. I realise this is exactly the spot where me and Rose were on that Christmas, looking up at the stars. Flakes of snow cascade gently from the sky and land on and all around me. Its beautiful. I sigh and look back up at Rose's flat. I've got to go to her now, or she'll never forgive me.


Hope you're all enjoying this! I've just wrote the first chapter for my new TenRose fanfic, is it too early to publish it?
Ella :))

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