Returning Home

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(Please don't read this unless you have read my other fanfiction "The Slow Path", as this is a sequel)
-Chapter 1
Rose's POV

Hi Mum!" I say, a massive smile spread across my face. Me and the Doctor took a break, well, more than a break, about 2 months to travel a bit and show Matthias the stars. We went so many places, but I felt 2 months was long enough to go without seeing Mum.
"Oh my God!" She says, and pulls me in for a hug "Let me see him, where is he?" Mum looks behind me.
"Here I am!" The Doctor smiles and opens his arms.
"No, not you Doctor. My grandson!" She pushes beside me and smiles when she sees Matthias standing beside the Doctor. "Oh there he is! My handsome boy! Ain't you grown?" She lifts Matthias up and kisses his forehead. "Come on in then." Mum opens the door to let us pass through.
"Gran, can I get down?" Matthias struggles in her arms.
"'Course you can love," she puts Matthias back on the ground "How's about a cup of tea?" She says to me and the Doctor who have slumped on the sofa.
"That'd be great, thanks Jackie." The Doctor looks over at me once Mums gone into the kitchen. "It's been a while since we've been here."
"Yeah, I do miss it sometimes." I say, and smile when I see Matthias constructing a paper airplane from a piece of old magazine. He's only 4, but he's very bright for his age.
"We can pop back here more often if you'd like? I don't know, once or twice every couple of weeks?"
"That'd be great," I smile at him, and squeeze his hand across the sofa "Thank you."
"Well, to be honest I was hoping you'd say no." The Doctor laughs and I give him a fake shove in the side. Mum returns with the tea and hands them to us. We thank her and she takes a seat on the armchair beside me.
"So, how's things been?" She asks.
"Good, yeah." I say "We went so many places, Mum. It was amazing."
"Did Matthias enjoy it?" Mum asks the both of us.
"He loved it." The Doctor says.
"I loved it." Matthias smiles across at us and then draws his attention back to his magazine airplane.
"So nothing you want to tell me, then? No more babies on the way?" Mum teases. I shake my head and squeeze the Doctors hand. I try to hide my sadness inside, but I think it becomes clear in my voice.
"We can't even have kids together, Mum." About two years ago, I brought up the subject of babies, and me and the Doctor had to have a conversation about how my body may not be able to cope with the struggle of another half Timelord baby. We've tried to avoid the topic since.
"What? You had Matthias though." Mum says, confused.
"We explained this, remember the stuff with the Master, with the training course?" I say.
"Oh yeah, of course. But you never told me you couldn't have kids together."
"It's not that we can't," the Doctor swallows, covering for me. I don't think I can speak much longer "It's that it could put Rose in danger. She's been through too much already."
"But it was still dangerous last time, remember-" Mum tries to finish but I cut her off.
"We're just saying that you probably won't be getting any more grand kids, Mum. Ever." I snap, and stand up from the sofa. I realise that I probably sounded rude and the Doctor looks up at me sadly "I'll be back in a minute." I say, and walk to my old bedroom and shut the door, collapsing on my bed. Tears slowly fall and I curl in on myself. I tell myself not to cry, not to be upset. We've got Matthias, and that's enough. As much as my heart aches for more children, I know it's a complete impossibility. Putting my life at lots of risk is not part of my future plan.


The Doctor's POV

"What was that all about?" Jackie says, watching Rose shut the door of her bedroom. Matthias looks up and stares at Rose's shut door with sad eyes.
"She's very sensitive about it." I say.
"I can tell."
"Jackie, please just do me a favour. Don't mention babies around Rose. Fine, if your talking about somebody else, but just don't mention her getting pregnant, okay?" I say, and run one of my hands through my hair. Jackie nods and swallows a sip of her tea. "Two years ago, Rose wanted to get pregnant, and it was difficult enough telling her that we couldn't have any children together, let alone now having to deal with it all over again. We've got Matthias, and even though he was never planned we realise now that he is more important than anything to us. So next time, just leave the subject alone."
"I'm sorry." She says. I nod, accepting her apology.
"Thank you."


Rose's POV

A soft knock sounds at my door and I know who it is. He always comes at times like this, when I need comfort the most. I expect a large pair of hands to cup my face, or a frame bigger than mine to wrap me in a hug. But instead, a small hand taps my shoulder. I open my eyes and am surprised to find Matthias stood beside the bed.
"Are you sad, Mummy?" He asks.
"I'm fine." I say, and sit up, Matthias moves to sit beside me.
"No, look" he points to my cheek "Tears."
"I'm alright, I just got a bit sad, that's all."
"Was it about another baby?" He whispers, and he looks up at me with sad eyes.
"How did you know that?" I ask.
"I hear you talking about babies with Daddy sometimes. And I heard you talking about it with Gran and Daddy....approximately 3 minutes and 52 seconds ago."
"Oh, right. Well, yes, it was about another baby." I nod.
"But you're good now?" He asks. He's a spitting image of his father, but sharing the same eyes as me.
"Yeah, good now. Thanks Matty." I smile. And he smiles back
"Good, because I want you to see my airplane. I left it in the other room so then you will come out." He beams proudly. I don't even know how he can communicate so well at this age. I smile
"Well, I better come out then, yeah?"
"Yes. Come right now." He picks up my hand and smiles at me, his eyes reading me like a book "Don't worry about going back into the outside, because Gran and Daddy want to see you. And your tea will get cold." He says, and pulls my off the bed. I smile in puzzlement at my son and let him lead me out of the room.

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