Lost in The Zoo

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Lost in The Zoo

The following poesia (Italian word for "poem") is created during my fourth grade days. Please do not say I make juvenile poems. This poesia is under Children's Poems.

It was never an ordinary day

when we were at the zoo

My mother and I came to see

a newborn kangaroo

I turned aorund and gasped

my mother was not there

Without a blink she was gone

Vanishing into thin air

I looked for her around

but still with despair

I watch for her and only hope

I could find her with all I care

I came to a giraffe

with a long neck high

"Mr. Giraffe, can you find

my mother from the sky?"

He watched for her around

and later bowed his head

"You'll find her feeding monkeys

with some bananas," he said

I thanked Mr. Giraffe

and headed on my way

Soon enough, I found my mother

on that graceful day

I'll promise I'll never go farther

whenever we visit the zoo

Or else I need to look for her

for a whole one hour or two!

The Poetic Imagination © 2011

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