Chapter Eleven: Cold

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Jonny slowly pulled away from Alex as he grabbed his keys from the dresser that stood in front of her bed.

"Yay!", Alex screached as she grabbed her leather studded jacket from under her night stand and they both made their way to her bed room door.

As they both made their way down stairs, her mother was sitting on the couch in the living room ajesent to the hall that ran from the end of the stairs to the front door.

"You heading out Alexandria?", Her mohter hollared from the couch surprisingly calm.

"Yes", Alex replied, not knowing how to take her mothers new attitude.

"Who's with you?", Her mother asked again.

"Johnny", Alex rplied still unsure about her mothers attidue.

"Oh", Her mother stated,"I like Johnny, he's a good boy.. Better than Brian anyway."

Johnny and Alex both looked at each other before Alex opened the door and they both headed out.

They both made it outside to the car, and ajdusted themselves in their seats as Johnny started the car.

"How's your hand", Johnny asked pulling onto the main road.

"Good", Alex rplied," Still hurts, but good", She looked over at him and smirked.

"Good", Johnny stated,"It's gonna hurt for quite sometime."

*Phone buzzes*

Johnny's phone buzzed off the dashboard, and onto the car floor.

"I got it", Stated Alex as she reached for it with her left hand, forgetting about her 'accident'. "Ah! Dammit!", She screached ripping her hand away from the car floor.

"You okay over there?", Johnny asked looking concerened.

"Yea, just forgot," She replied as she now reached the phone with her right hand, answering it.

"Hello?", Alex asked holding the phone to her right ear.

"Hey!, I'm assuming you're with Johnny.. I tried your phone but all I got was voice mail..", Answered Val on the other end.

"Oh, yea, sorry", Alex laughed,"Yea, we're actually on our way now."

"Okay, good. Everyones already here", Val laughed back," See ya guys when ya get here!"

Val hung up. Alex did the same, and threw it into the glove box.

"Eeep!", Alex slightly screached,"I can't wait!."

"For what?", laughed Johnny from the driver seat.

"To see Brian!", she screached back.

He looked over at Alex," Andria."

"What?!", She answered,"We can chill."

"Thought you saw him with Michelle last night", Johnny stated.

"How do you know?"

"I'm not an idiot Andria", Johnny stated,"The only time I've EVER Seen you upset like that was when Brian didn't give you all of his attention.."

"Oh, come ON Johnny", Alex replied deffensivly," Just cuz I get a little out of control...," Johnny cut her off.

"A 'little'?!" Johnny now slightly yelling," You hook up with Brian you expect the world from him, and the ONE time he decides to get with someone else, your whole world falls apart, and whos there to pick it all back up and put it back together. Me!."

"That isn't true Johnny," Alex stated with tears in her eyes,"He loves me and he just needs a break from time, to time."

"Alexandria, do you not hear yourself?," Johnny now yelling while pulling into Matt an Val's driveway by the rest of the cars there.

"Okay Johnny", Alex quietly started,"I'll leave you alone and you won't have to put up with me anymore.."

"Andria", Johnny started,"That isn't what I meant, I'm trying to help you."

"No, I get it", She finished wipeing tears from her eyes with her right hand," Now lets just go in, and have a good time, I know I am."

Alex then opened the passanger side door, climbing out and slamming it behind her.

As she made her way to the front door, she opened it and went it, closing it behind her. Johnny sat in his car.

"That's not what I fucking meant," He whispered to himself with slight tears in his eyes,"That isn't what I meant.."

He whiped away the slight tears in his eyes, climbed out of the car, slammed the door behind him, and made his way to the front door.

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