Chapter Three: Temptation

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"What the fuck?!", Johnny yelled as he cam eout of the bathroom. "When the fuck was anyone gonna tell me Alex fucking andria was here!"

He made his way over to her.

"Johnny fucking Christ!", She yelled back and swung her arms open. He picked her up off her knees and they just about squeezed the life out of eachother.

No one knows of the secrets Johnny and I have. I crashed when my dad died, and he was there. I hit rock bottom so hard, and if Johnny wasn't there to pick up th epieces of me when I shattered, I wouldn't be alive today. Ever since then, our friendship has been un breakable.

"You doing okay?", Johnny whispered in Alex's ear as they hugged. They pulled apart and she wnked at him as he grinned.

"C'mon val! More shots!", Alex yelled as she made her way passed Johnny to Val.

"Okay girl! Damn!", Val Laughed while she brought out a tray of shots and set it on the living room table,"One for each and two for Alex", Val laughed again.

"Damn right girl!" Smirked Alex.

"One, two..!", Zacky counted down, everyone a shot in hand, Alex had one in each hand,"Three!"

Zachy finished and tilted his head, Alex tilted and downed one, than two.

"Woo! That's some strong shit!", Alex messely stated.

"Bitch is already tipsy!", Val laughed.

"Good times, good times!", Matt laughed back.

"Anyone hear from Michelle lately?", Asked Alex,"Other than Val, haha."

"Not sence Brian's fucked ya" Answered Johnny with a grin.

Brian looked over at Alexandria with a grin,"Round two?"

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