Chapter Eight: Discomfort

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*Cell phone buzzes*

Alex wiggles out of Johnny's slight grasp and reaches for her phone towards the front of the been bag her and Johnny were sitting in together.

Val: You and Johnny coming, or what?

"Hey", Alex spoke out to Johnny looking over at him sitting right next to her," We going over to Matt an Val's?"

"Sure, if ya wanna", Johnny asked back while getting up from the been bag on the floor, and held out his right hand to Alex, looking down at her.

"Cool.", Alex replied while grasping Johnny's hand and pulling herself up with his help.

Alex stood up and slammed the car door as Johnny did the same, and they both walked up to the house and just walked in, as Alex did the other night..

"Ayy!", Johnny yelled as he was the first one to walk in, "What the fuck ya'll doin' tongiht?!"

"Johnny!", Jimmy screeched while jumping up from the floor, running over to Johnny and bear hugging him, his feet off the floor, "I missed you so MUCH Johnny!!"

"Jimmy's had a few before hand", stated Val from Matt's lap on the four seated couch.

"Missed ya too buddy", Johnny replied as Jimmy finally put him down and switched his attention to Alex.


"Jimmy!", Alex replied swinging her arms open waiting for it, and surly enough he bear hugged her feet off the floor as well.

They all laughed.

"I love you guys so much!", Jimmy stated as he let her down,"Now I'm gonna go love you all, over there, by the liqour"

Alex held her right knuckles over her mouth and left hand under her elbow and snickered while everyone hollard and laghed at Jimmy.

With Jimmy now in the kitchen, Alex walked over to the recliner that Zachy must keep in his sights at all times, because no one else is EVER in it but him.

"Why hello my sweets," Alex smirked at Zachy while sitting on his lap.

"You only use me for my seat!", Zachy claimed while turning and lifting his head the opposite direction of Alex, snubbing her.

"Yes." Alex admitted in shame, bowing her head in sorrow.

They both looked and laughed at eachother, as Zachy made himself comfterblewith his arm around Alex's waist.

"where's Gena?, Alex asked.

"Visiting her motherfor a bit", Zachy replied.

Val was still sitting on Matt on the four seated couch as Jonny made his way over to take himself a seat.

"Now keep it over there", Jonny demanded as he pushed his hands towards Matt an Val motioning they stay there.

"Oh but Jonny, I WANT you!", Matt explained as her blew him a kiss.

Val tilted her head back in laughter as Johnny grabbed the air kiss and shoved it down his pants,"Kiss that you mother fucker", Jonny snickered trying so hard to keep a sraight face.

"What the fuck happened to Brian", Yelled Jimmy from the kitchen, Heineken in hand.

"Not sure," Val answered," He went out back with Michelle about 20 minutes ago."

Alex's heart sank right into her stomach,"Michelle's here?", Alex nervously asked.

"Yea", Jonny answered, "You didn't see her car in the driveway when we pulled in?"

"NO.", Alex sharply replied while her eyes wandered around.

"You okay girl?" Zachy asked looking up at her on his lap as his face leaned on his hand that leaned on the arm of the recliner.

"Yea.. Yea.", I just have to pee, she stated as she adjusted herself off of Zachy and the recliner.

"Whoa! NO leeking!" Matt yelled.

Everyone laughed as Alex smirked and franticly made her way to the bathroom out of the living room, past the kitchen, and down the hall to the left.

As she finally came to the bathroom, she slammed the door behind her.

"The fucks up with her tongiht?" Matt asked

"She drank before we got here, she's just.. Her", Jonny nervously replied.

Alex leaned over the bathroom counter staring into the sink,"Wha.. I don't..", She whispered with slight anger growing in her eyes," I hav.. No, I need to find him.. Them."

Alex took a glance at herslef in the mirror befor creeping the door open just enough so that she could peek down the hall to make sure everyone was still int the living room.

As she gained knowledge that the cost was clear, she slipped her way throught the slight opening of the bathroom door, and made her way down the dim lit hall.

As she made her way to the back door where she suspected Brian and Michelle might be, she heard a noise.. Not just a noise, but a giggle. She then continued to slowly make her way to the back door where there was also a cross roads in hall ways. She looked left, dark. She looked right, and noticed. Noticed a light coming from the crack of a door.

She made her way quickly, yet still sneeking, to the door. As the giggling got more and more easier to hear she finally made it the door in which the light was seeping out of.

Alex creeped as slow as she could, without her rage taking over, and pushed the door slightly open, just enough to where she gained sight of the mirror on the far side of the wall in the lit bedroom. She also gained site of Brian.. And Michelle.

Brian had his head tilted back as Michelle kissed his neck and they both giggled. Brians hands on her waist, Alex clenched her hands to fists, trying not to scream.

"I forgot how beautiful you tasted", Michelle whispered into Brians ear.

Alex now biting her right side lower lip.

"Baby, I love how easily my hands fit on your waist", Brian replied in a faint moaning whisper as he continued to tilt his head back in faint pleassure.

Alex continued to stair at the two through the mirror as her stomach turned and her heart beat in her throat.

Brian tilted his back down for a quick glance and saw Alex watching from the crack in the door, through the mirror. He then smirked at her lazely, tilted his head back and grasped tighter onto Michelles waist as she went from kissing to biting his neck, and made her way on her knees.

At that site Alex snatched herself away from the bedroom door as tears and anger flooded her face.

She stormed back down the dim lit hall, and through the living room.

"That was a long pee", Stated Zachy as Alex flung open the front door, and running down the front steps to the driveway, leaving the door open.

"Was it something I said?", Asked Zachy with a curious grin.

Johnny jumped up running for the still open door,"Alexandria!", Johnny yelled down the driveway," Where the hell are you going!"

"Away!", She yelled back from half way down the block,"And if you have any sence at all Johnny, You'll keep away from me!"

Johnny stood there in the frame of the front door for a few seconds, then carefully closed it.

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