chapter One: Ignite

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Letting young love go, it's only another chapter in yet another lifeless book. I, Alexandria just breaking 17, never thought twice about anything.. Not love, passion, or even life. I just always did what felt right. Even if it was never the 'Right' thing.


*Music plays from an upstairs bedroom*

"Alexandria!" Her mother yelled from the bottom of the stair way. "How many times do I have to tell that damn girl to keep it down", her mother mummbled, now furious, while climbing the stairs to Alex's room.

"Alexandria!", her mother banging on her bedroom door. "Alexandria Moore!", Her mother continued to yell over the muffled sound of blasting music.

"What!", Alex yelled while swinging open her door. Cloudy puffs of smoke seeped out through the open slits of her door.

"What in the fuck! Do you want mom?" Alex asked sarcastily.

Alex stood there, black made up, blood shot eyes, Matalica tank, short shorts, barefoot.

"I want you to turn down this god damn music!", yelled her mother to her face.

Her mom began to make her way down the hall," And stop smoking pot in my god damn house!", her mother screamed as she walked away.

Alex slammed her door knocking framed photos off the side hall way wall. Her mother looked back as the broken frames and shattered glass," That bitch.."

Her mother mumbled, and continued her way down the hall, then down the stairs.

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