Chapter Seven: Again

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If.. If Johnny was never here, I wouldn't be neither. He helps keep me sane when all comon sence fails. Pulls me up when I have fallen on my knees. I've put him through it all, and he never gives up on me, I coudn't ask for anything better.. Or could I.

"Give it to me", Johnny demanded holding out his left hand to Alex, who is sitting in the been bag chair in the corner of Johnny's living room," Now."

Looking up at him, Alex handed Johnny the flask she's been sipping out of for the last hour since he's picked her up after the, of many, horrid fights Alex and her mother have gotten into.

"You can't keep drinking your never ending problems Andria, or that's what they'll be.. Never ending." Johnny stated while screwing the lid onto the flask. "You just have to keep trying...", Alex inturupted Johnny,"

"Keep trying.. Keep fucking trying, that's all you've always fucking told me, keep fucking trying Andria, and everything shall be fucking fine!", Alex continued still sitting in the been bag, hands on either side of her head, and her head barly between her knees,"When really everything's fucked Johnny, everything.", Tension creeped up in her voice as she continued,"I have the absolute most worst time controling my urges Johnny, and I just can't fucking take it anymore!"

Johnny stood a few feet away from Alex as she vented her deepest feelings, which only ever happened once in a lifetime, concidering this was her second chance at life, he was worried..

"Andria, calm down, we can get you the help that would cure you."

"No!", Alex yelled, startling Johnny,"Maybe I love being insane, maybe I love the feeling of wanting something so bad, to the point I will do anything in my power to posses it."

She now had her arms folded on her knees, nuzzled up into her face. "If you love something so much, but also have people.. Things keeping you form possesing what you so despretly need, knowing, there is no way around how you feel, there's no point in living.."

Johnny walked over to where Alex was sobbing, sat in the been bag chair with her, doing nothing more than holding her, comforting her in the horror of the truth.

"Whatever you have to do, I'm here for you Andria, I Love You, a love that know one knows about, but only you." Johnny roughly stated while holding her, and feeling her cry.

"I Love You Too Johnny.. I.... Do...", Alex had trouble getting out the words, but knew she had to or she would have no one to help her pick up the pieces of herself she was about to shatter...

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