Chapter Twenty-One

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~Chapter Twenty-One~


"Lewis. Lewis. Lewis. Lewis." Every time I said his name I poked his arm. He wasn't moving. "Oh my goodness! Is he dead?!" I bent close to his ear and yelled, "LEWIS?! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!"

Very slowly Lewis's head turned to me and his eyes opened. He motioned me to lean my head closer. He cupped his hands around my ear like he was going to tell me a secret. I love secrets...

"YES, LEE! I AM ALIVE!" I cringed a little at his loud voice but my eyes were wide when I looked at him again.

"Well gee, you didn't have to yell." I poked his arm again and turned to the front of the room. I rolled my eyes at him and a small smile found my way onto my face. I was so excited. Decker's party was tonight!

I heard Lewis sigh and then I was laughing.

"Stop," Gasp. "Tickling," Gasp. "Me," Gasp. "Before I," Gasp. "Kill you!" Gasp, laugh, laugh, gasp. I was laughing hysterically while trying to get my words out. I slapped Lewis's hands away but that didn't deter him. I couldn't stop laughing.  "Can't- breath!" I managed to choke out while still laughing. My eyes were tightly shut and I could feel tears from my laughter.

His hands paused and I quickly gasped for breath. When my lungs had enough oxygen I continued to breath deeply, trying to regain the use of my arms.

We'd skipped walking around the halls today so Lewis and I were sitting in homeroom with no one else in here. For some reason Danny wanted to be here early, something about a science project, and Lewis's mom was subbing for my Algebra teacher so Lewis rode in with her this morning. No one else in their right mind came to school so early unless they had to.

When I was sure I had enough time to regain my breathing I opened my eyes and glared hard at Lewis. He gave me his usual smirk and winked at me. He knows how much that freaks me out! I slapped him hard in the chest and I heard a dull thud.

He laughed. "If you could actually hit you might actually be dangerous with that ring of yours." I looked down at the ring on my middle finger on my right hand. There was a heart-shaped stone set into the silver ring. Mum had gotten it for me for Christmas a few years back.

"Shut up, Lewis. Or-or..." I racked my brain trying to think of something to threaten him with.

"Or what?"

"I'll stop talking to you!" I said. "And I'll cut your hair while you're sleeping!" His black hair was down past his ears and it was curly. He loved his long hair.

"Okay... Why are you in my house while I'm sleeping?" he asked, playing off my hypothetical situation.

"To cut your hair," I answered in my most 'duh' voice.

"How are you going to get in? My room is on the second floor."

"A ladder."

"You don't know which window is mine."

"I'll peek in each window before I open it," I said thinking of any smart-arse answer.

"It'll be dark."

"I'll just guess and if it's not your room I'll walk around your house until I find your room!" I was getting into this hypothetical situation now. I could picture myself sneaking around like a ninja.

"What if you go into Lance's room?" he asked with a knowing smirk. I glared at him again.

"I'll walk out." His older brother really scared me. IT's not like he was a mean guy or anything it's just he was intimidating. He's like freaking huge and he has a ponytail! A PONYTAIL! He looks like a six foot three indian that works at the grocery store!

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