Ch16 End of the Year Duel

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Zane was in his room thinking about all that had happened at the end of the year. Though Jaden had done better then he had on the finals, as a senior,  Zane was entitled  to choose his opponent for the end of the year duel. Zane had already decided who his opponent would be, the only person that had ever beaten him.

Zane made his way to the Slifer dorm. Jaden had just defeated Syrus in a  duel when they saw Zane coming. Jaden said "hey Zane, what are you doing down here?" Zane said "I have never come down to this place before but now I have a reason." Syrus said "what did you want to talk about, Zane?" Zane said "the end of the year duel is coming and I have the right to choose my opponent." Jaden stepped forward and said "I would be honored to duel you again, Zane." Zane was surprised that Jaden figured out why he had come down there.

Zane said "yes, I want to avenge my only loss and try to beat you." Jaden said "what time is the duel?" Zane smiled and said "the duel is tomorrow at noon, so be prepared to get schooled." Jaden smiled and said "I never back down from a challenge, so let's get this duel ready."

The next day came and Jaden was ready to duel. Jaden made his way to the arena and prepared for the second most difficult test he would ever face. The top two duelists at the academy prepared to duel off in the final duel of the year. Jaden said "good luck, Zane, and may the best duelist win." Zane said "good luck to you too." They both started their duel disks and said "duel." Jaden said "Zane, you may go first if that is ok with you." Zane said "don't mind if I do. I draw, I play Polymerization to summon Cyber End Dragon in attack mode (4000atk) and end my turn."

Jaden said "starting off quickly, are we? Well, two can play at this. I draw, I play Polymerization to fuse Sparkman, Bubbleman, and Avian to summon Elemental Hero Tempest in attack mode (2800atk). But I am not done yet. I play De-Fusion  to spilt my monster into three separate monsters. Now I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. Now I sacrifice them to summon the all mighty Slifer the Sky Dragon in attack mode (1000atk). Now I play the final card in my hand, Card of Sanctity. Now we both get to draw until we have six cards in our hands. Slifer's attack now rises to 6000atk so, prepare to meet the power of an Egyptian God. Slifer, attack with thunder force."

Slifer destroyed Cyber End Dragon and Zane lost 2000 life points. Jaden placed two cards face down and he ended his turn. Zane needed something and he needed it now. Zane said "my turn, I draw, I play the spell card Miracle Fusion to summon back my Cyber End Dragon. Now I play the spell card Limiter Removal which doubles my monster's attack. Now, Cyber End Dragon finish this duel with strident blast." Jaden said "not so fast, I play the trap card Negate Attack so your monster's attack is stopped."

Zane said "I play De-Fusion to summon back my three cyber dragons (2100atk) and end with a face down." Jaden drew his card and said "I play Graceful Charity to draw three cards but I must discard two. Now Slifer attack and win the duel." Zane smiled and said "I play the trap card Waboku which allows me to not take damage and my monsters stay on the field." Jaden ended his turn with another face down. Slifer's attack was now at 4000.

Zane said "my turn, I draw. I play the spell card Power Bond so now my Cyber End Dragon gets to come back with 4000 more attack points. So, Cyber End Dragon attack with strident blast." Zane smiled as this monster attacked Jaden but Jaden was laughing. Jaden said after the laugh "I play the trap card Ring of Destruction and now we both take damage equal to a monster of my choosing and I choose triple chrome dome over there. But that's not all, I play Ring of Defense so I take no damage." Zane said "how clever." They both watched as Cyber End Dragon was destroyed and Zane's life points hit Zero.

Jaden walked over to Zane and said "good duel, you were great out there so you shouldn't be ashamed of losing. I mean, come on, that was a pretty sweet move I pulled back there." Zane said "yes it was and now the torch has been passed to you. You will be the best at this school, so make me proud. Take care of Alexis and treat her well." Jaden said "I will and don't worry, I plan on worshipping her because I love her very much." Zane smiled and started to walk away when Jaden said "you are coming to the wedding, right?" Zane said "wouldn't miss it for the world."

Alexis made her way out of the stands to her future husband. She hugged him and said "that was a great duel Jaden I didn't think you could beat Zane at that moment." Jaden said "well that goes to show you that I am full of surprises and I love you with all my heart." Alexis smiled and gave him a kiss. After the kiss, they got on a boat and left Duel Academy Island for summer break. And soon Jaden and Alexis' big day would come.

Jaden got off the boat and decided to go and visit Alexis' parents. Atticus was in a happy mood because he was coming home after disappearing for a long time. They got to the house, which was a mansion. Alexis, Atticus, and Jaden went into the house and were greeted by a loving Mom and Dad. Alexis said "Mom, Dad I'd like you to meet Jaden Yuki."Both Rhodes ran up and gave Jaden a big hug and said "welcome to the family, son."

They stayed with them for awhile till it was time for Alexis to go meet Jaden's Mom and Dad. They got to the house and entered and were greeted by a very happy Alaynna. Billy then came to see what all the commotion was and he saw Alexis and said to Jaden "you found yourself one beautiful bride, Jaden." Alexis blushed at this. Then they talked about the preparations  for the wedding because both the Yukis and Rhodes had been communicating and coordinating the wedding together. So both Alexis and Jaden stayed till dinner and then Jaden walked Alexis back home and gave her a good night kiss. They both dreamed of being the happiest couple in the entire world.

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