Ch 10 Big Plans for Alexis

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The next day Jaden had a plan that would help his relationship with Alexis become even stronger. He thought that a romantic dinner would be the perfect way to help Alexis stop worrying about Atticus and he really wanted to make Alexis feel like a princess. Jaden went to talk to the one man who could help him make this date perfect. He knew he needed Shepard because he could never do it alone.

Jaden knocked on the door that lead to Shepard's office and a voice said "come in." Jaden entered the room and Shepard was shocked to see that it was Jaden. Jaden said "hi Principal, I was wondering if I could use the Card Shack to prepare a romantic dinner for Alexis, if that is possible." Shepard looked at Jaden and hesitated until he saw the love for Alexis in his eyes and agreed to allow Jaden to use the Card Shack.

Jaden then went to the Card Shack and talked to Dorothy who was in charge. Jaden said "hi Dorothy, I was wondering if I could use this place tonight for a special dinner that I want to prepare for Alexis if that would be ok." Dorothy smiled and said "why of course it would please me to see the two top students at the school on a date." Jaden said "I will not need you. I have everything planned out and I am going to make Alexis the best dinner she will ever have." Dorothy smiled and said "ok, as long as you clean up afterwards, that is fine with me." With that Jaden took his leave and the next part in his plan was to see if Atticus was doing ok. 

He got to the room that Atticus was in and saw that no one  was around him, so Jaden walked up to Atticus. Jaden said  "you look like you're just sleeping and nothing more but I know that you are a fighter." Atticus awoke and said "who are you and were is Alexis?" Jaden was in shock that he was remembering things again. Jaden said "I am Jaden and I have a question of my own. What is your name?" Atticus said "my name is Atticus Rhodes and I have a younger sister named Alexis." Jaden smiled and gave Atticus a big old hug. Jaden said "well Atticus it looks like you are better than before so what made you remember everything?"

Atticus said "I remember some stuff but not all of it so what I need now is some rest." Jaden said "Atticus do you know about Alexis being engaged to someone?" Atticus said "WHAT, my baby sister is getting married and I haven't met the guy yet." Jaden looked at Atticus and saw the anger in his eyes. Jaden said "I am the one that she is to be married to." Atticus looked shocked at this but said "you are the one that my baby sister will marry. All I can say is that you are a good choice for her because she always wanted to be with the best duelist and you fit that requirement." Jaden said "that means a lot to me. I am planning a surprise dinner for Alexis. I have a question for you. What is Alexis' favorite food?" Atticus thought 'what are you really trying to do?

Atticus asked "what is it that you have planned for my baby sister?" Jaden said "I am making a romantic dinner for her and then I am going to offer her the opportunity to duel, allowing her to avenge her loss to me. I love your sister and she loves me and I will cherish her for the rest of my life. I consider that a promise that I have made to you Atticus." Atticus said "you better because she is my only sister and you better treat her with a lot of love, got it." Jaden nodded his head and was about to leave when Atticus said "her favorite food is grilled chicken in a salad." Jaden said "thanks bro, I mean Atticus." Atticus said "it is ok to call me bro or brother after all you will be my brother-in-law soon." Jaden smiled at Atticus and left the room  happy that he knew what food he should make for Alexis.

Jaden made his way to the girls dorm and ask a passing Obelisk girl if she could let Alexis know that Jaden was waiting for her outside the dorm. The girl agreed and went inside to tell Alexis that he was waiting for her. About five minutes passed and the door to the girls dorm swung open and the most beautiful girl that Jaden had ever seen appeared, Alexis. Alexis walked up to Jaden. She said "so Jaden, what do you have planned for me today?" Jaden smiled and said "well, I am making you a meal at the Card Shack and then we are going to duel each other. After that I will take you to the Slifer cliff to look at the stars." Alexis said "ok but fair warning I don't plan to go down without a fight." Jaden said "I wouldn't want it any other way."

So they made their way to the Card Shack and Alexis saw a candles lit up everywhere. Alexis' eyes were bright with affection for Jaden. So Alexis and Jaden sat down at the table and Jaden said "I think that you are the one person in my life that I can't live without." Alexis began to cry, not tears of sadness but tears of joy. Jaden went to the kitchen and came back with the food. Alexis was surprised by what Jaden had made. Alexis said "Jaden this is my favorite dish, how did you know?" Jaden said "I asked Atticus and he seemed to be better then ever before. I also talked to him about the wedding and he seems to be on board with it because he wants nothing more than to see you happy."

After they finished their delicious meal they made their way to the arena and since no body was around they started to duel. Jaden said "ladies first." Alexis said "thanks, my draw I summon Command Knight in defense mode (1900def) and throw down a face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my draw, I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode (2000def) and throw down two face downs and end my turn." Alexis said "my draw, I summon D.D. Assailant in attack mode. (1700 rose to 2100att) If you are wondering why my monster rose in strength it is because of Command Knight's effect that gives four hundred attack points to all warrior type monsters on my field and you can't target him as an attack until all other monsters on my field are destroyed. Now D.D. Assailant attack Clayman" Jaden said "reveal trap, Mirror Force which destroys all monsters in attack mode." So D.D. Assailant was no more but Command Knight was in defense mode, so it was safe.

Alexis ended her turn and Jaden said "my draw, I play polymerization to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman. Next I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode (1600att) and now I attack your Command Knight with Flame Wingman." The attack destroyed Command Knight and took out 1600 life points of Alexis and Jaden then attacked with Sparkman and now Alexis had only 800 life points left. Jaden ended his turn with a face down. Alexis said "my draw, I play two copies of pot of greed so I draw four cards. Next I play two polymerization to summon Cyber Blader (2100att) and St. Joan (2800att), now St. Joan attack Flame Wingman." Wingman was destroyed and then Cyber Blader's attack rose to 4200 attack do to her effect. If two monsters are on the opponents field then the attack of this monster doubles. She attacked Sparkman and Jaden was left with only 700 life points. Alexis ended her turn. Jaden said "my draw, I set one monster in defense mode and end my turn." Alexis said "I summon Cyber Tutu in attack mode. Now St. Joan destroy that face down monster." Jaden said "not so fast, I play the spell card Transcendent Wings by sending my Winged Kuriboh to the graveyard and sending two cards from my hand to the grave as well. I can special summon Winged Kuriboh LV 10. Now I tribute him to destroy all of your monsters and you lose life points equal to the amount of all of your monsters' attack points and my math is right, it is 8000 points of damage.

The duel was over and Jaden won but he said to Alexis "you had me on the ropes the whole time and I love you no matter if you win or lose. I will always call you a champion in my books." Alexis smiled and gave him a kiss. Chazz then arrived on scene and saw this and his face turned red and steam came out of his ears. Chazz said to the two love birds as they ended the kiss "I just defeated the fourth shadow rider." Jaden said "good, that means only three more to go and then our job is done." Then  Alexis and Jaden walked over to the Slifer Cliff and they looked at the sky and saw a shooting star. Alexis said "make a wish, Jaden." Jaden said "I aready have everything that I could ever want." Alexis turned to look at Jaden and he did the same. They then kissed and he said "there is no one I would rather be with than you, Alexis and I will protect you from harm till the day that we die. I love you." 

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