Ch 11 The Undefeated Pharaoh

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The next couple of weeks went by and no shadow riders had shown up so Jaden and the rest of the key keepers began to relax. During one day in class, Professor Banner said "today class, we will be talking about the greatest duelist in the history of dueling. Of course you know about Mr. Kaiba, then you have Yugi Moto taking the King Of Games from Kaiba. You have Jaden Yuki then taking that title from Yugi but there was a Pharaoh about 6,000 years ago that never lost a duel and that is an incredible feat. His name was Abidos the Third."

Jaden had many people staring at him because he was the new King Of Games and they all wanted to duel him. But he refused them all because he had a job to do and he felt that Banner was telling them more than he should be telling them. Jaden made his way after class to the dorm to get some sleep. As he was drifting off to sleep he had the sense that a new shadow rider was coming. At the same time Jaden was napping, Alexis was planning to talk to Zane about other things that were going on.

Zane and Alexis met at the docks. Alexis said "thanks Zane for meeting with me, I needed to talk to you about Jaden." Zane said "what about Jaden?" Alexis said "for the last few weeks, Jaden seems to be talking to a lot of girls. He still pays attention to me but it is making me nervous. What if he starts to prefer one of them?" Zane said "you probably are just being paranoid. He is engaged to you and I have seen the love he has for you, so don't let all the girls, that Jaden talks to, get to you. If you are that worried, then talk to him about it. I am sure that he would be willing to talk to you about your fears because he loves you."

Alexis listened carefully to what Zane was saying. She believed him because she truly loved Jaden and that would never change. Alexis had truly found her one true love and she would never feel the same without him. Suddenly there was a flash of light and an ark used by the Egyptians to carry their Pharaohs appeared. 

Jaden awoke and felt that the dream that he was having seemed so real. In the dream he and Alexis were raising a child. Jaden smiled because he wanted a kid and wanted to become a super dad. Suddenly  there was a  flash of light. Jaden saw an ark floating and then saw in the distance, a girl with long dirty blonde locks and a boy with dark hair. Jaden said "Alexis!" Jaden sprinted to the docks to protect Alexis and fight the next shadow rider. The ark docked  and a voice came from the ark. The voice said "welcome key keepers I have been waiting for you for 6,000 years." Jaden appeared and said "I am a key keeper and I challenge you, Abidos, to a duel." A man appeared and disembarked from the ark and said "how do you know my name?" Jaden said "we learned about you today and I had a feeling that you would be a shadow rider if Banner was talking about you." Abidos said "well then you know that I am undefeated, so your hopes of defeating me are slim to none."

Jaden smiled and said "I am also undefeated in my career and I don't intend to let that record be destroyed by the likes of you." Abibos said "enough talk and let's duel." Both started their duel disks and started to duel. Jaden said I will go first, my draw, summon Elemental Hero Wildheart in attack mode (1500att), next I play the spell Double Summon and I summon Dandylion in defense mode (300def) and end my turn." Abidos said "my draw, I play one face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my draw." Abidos said "not so fast I play my face down, The First Sarcophagus."

Jaden said "I play Tribute to the doomed and destroy my Dandylion and now I get two fluff tokens. Now I summon Obelisk The Tormentor. Now Obelisk attack with fist of furry." The duel was over and Jaden said to Abidos "your subjects let you win because they didn't want to upset you." Abidos realized what he was telling him was true. He did win because they were not using their  full potential. Because they feared they would be killed for beating him. Abidos returned to his ark and set sail. Another flash of light and the ark was gone and another shadow rider was defeated with only two more to go.

Alexis walked up to Jaden and gave him a loving hug and said "I was so worried about you I don't want to lose you before we get married." She began to cry and  Jaden said "I will never leave you as long as I live, my life is for you and only for you and I will use it to cherish you forever more."  Alexis said "I want to talk to you at the cliff if that is ok?" Jaden said "sure, lead the way my Queen."

They walked to the Slifer cliff, their favorite spot, and Alexis wanted to talk to Jaden about her being so paranoid. Alexis said "Jaden I have been thinking about us and I want to make sure we are on the same page. I feel like you are pushing me away because I see you all the time talking with girls and laughing and having a good time." Alexis began to cry because she was thinking that he was not loving her as much as he should. Jaden said "Alexis I care more about you than anyone and I would never do anything to hurt you, so from the bottom of my heart I am sorry." Jaden looked into Alexis' eyes and then they kissed. Jaden had never felt this way before and he didn't want it to end but he had to before he did something stupid. Jaden tried to pull away but Alexis kept her mouth glued to his then, he did something that he never thought he would have to do.

Jaden  pushed Alexis away and she was surprised by this. Alexis said "what did you do that for?" Jaden said "I didn't want this to go any further and I don't want to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable." Alexis smiled and said "you passed the test." Jaden said "what test?" Alexis answered "I know a lot of guys who would want to go farther than what we were doing, so I tested you to see if you cared more about me or yourself and you cared more about me than yourself so you passed the test." Jaden looked at her, at first he was puzzled and then he realized what she was saying. Jaden said "I care more about you then I do myself, I will put your needs ahead of my own from here on." They hugged and kissed one more time before they left to get some needed sleep, for they had big days ahead of them.

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