Ch 3 Falling in love

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So the duel between Harrington and Jaden was about to begin and they both said "lets duel." Jaden said "I will go first and I will use polymerization by fusing elemental heroes Clayman and Sparkman to summon Elemental Hero Thunder Giant (2400atk). Next I summon Dandylion in defense mode and throw down a facedown and end my turn." Harrington said "my draw, and I throw down two face downs and end my turn." Jaden then said " I draw and use the special ability of Thunder Giant and I discard one card and destroy Dandylion." Harrington said "why are you destroying your own monster?" Dandylion was destroyed but then two fluff tokens appeared and then Jaden said " I sacrifice my three monsters to summon  the all mighty Slifer the Sky Dragon."

Slifer appeared behind Jaden and Harrington was sweating and then he said "how do you have an Egyptian god card they belong to the king of games Yugi Moto?" Jaden then said "I dueled him and beat him but I never wanted to have the god cards but he gave them to me." Then Harrington said "how it this possible I had the perfect plan but now I am ruined." Jaden then said "in more was than one now I play my final card in my had I play the spell card, Card of Sanctity now we draw till we each have six cards in our hands."

Now Slifer's attack went to 6,000atk points and now Jaden said "Slifer proceed with thunder force attack." So the attack blew Harrington off his feet and the duel was now over and Jaden was the victor and Jaden walked up to Alexis. Jaden said to Alexis "I see that I won the duel but I don't want to be your fiancé  till I have proven that I can protect you from harm. But now I have to be somewhere else." Alexis then said " may I come with you?" Jaden answered "sure, I don't see why not."

Jaden and Alexis made their way to the Slifer cliff. Then Jaden said "were is she?" Alexis asked "where's who?" Jaden then said "the girl that wrote me this letter." He pulled out the letter and looked at it then looked at Alexis. She then said "you want to know who wrote that letter don't you?" Jaden replied "yes because it sounds like someone has fallen for me but I have already fallen in love with someone." Alexis thought 'is it me he is talking about or is it someone else, I've got to know.'

Alexis asked "who is this girl that you like? You can tell me." She tried to sound calm about it but Jaden could hear that her voice shook. So he said " I love this girl and she means more to me than anything. When I see her smile my heart just melts. I can't get her out of my head because I fell in love with her after I saw her watching me duel. When I dueled her I said to myself she will make me see something more in myself." Alexis began to cry but Jaden saw this and gave her a hug.

Jaden said "looks like my secret is out and I only have one thing left to say." Alexis asked "what is it?" Jaden then whispered in her ear "I love you." In Alexis's mind she was saying 'this is what I wanted, I needed him to tell me that.'  Alexis looked at Jaden and said "Jaden I love you with all my heart." Jaden could no longer hold back, and he kissed Alexis with the passion within his heart. She was so surprised but she didn't resist the kiss and started to kiss back.

Jaden smiled and then Alexis smiled and gave him a hug again. Then Jaden asked "when is this dance?"Jaden said "when is this dance going to happen?" Alexis said "I believe it is after the school duel between Duel Academy and the Academy of the  North."

As they walked to the school to see if any duels were going on, a boy in an Obelisk blue uniform appeared out of nowhere. He said "are you Jaden, the Slifer slacker that beat Harrington, Dr. Crowler, and Alexis?" He was stunned to see that Alexis was holding hands with this scum and it angered him a great deal. He then said "I challenge you to a duel and the winner gets to be Alexis' boyfriend." Jaden then said "I already beat Harrington for her hand in marriage so why should I accept your challenge?" The boy said "because I am the Chazz and if you don't accept, then it will prove that you are nothing but a face and a coward in everyone's eyes."

 Jaden then said "I accept the duel but leave Alexis out of this. She should be able to make her mind up for herself. So, I will duel you but Alexis is off the table." Alexis hid her smile from Chazz and then he said "fine but I beat you and Alexis will come to her senses and be my girlfriend." With that comment, he walked to the school, ready to take down Jaden.

Alexis looked at Jaden and saw that he was very angry and she asked him "why are you so mad?" Jaden said "because nobody will take away from me the girl that I love,  and I am going to make him pay." Alexis saw the fire in his eyes and she thought 'I should calm him down before he tries to hurt someone.' She grabbed Jaden and kissed him. Slowly he calmed down. He then asked "what was that for?" Alexis said "I needed to calm you down somehow and that was the only way I thought of."

So Jaden and Alexis made their way to the duel arena and he was prepared to take down Chazz but before they went into the stadium Alexis grabbed Jaden. She then gave him a kiss on the lips and then pulled away. Jaden then said "what was that for?" Alexis said "that was for good luck, now go and beat Chazz ok."

Chazz saw that Jaden had shown up but he was with Alexis and that enraged him. Jaden got into the middle of the arena and then both Jaden and Chazz started their duel disks and they said "lets duel." Jaden said "you can go first because you are at a disadvantage."

Syrus was in the stands and saw Alexis and waved to her to come and sit with him. Alexis sat next to him with a big smile on her face. Syrus said to Alexis "what are you so happy about Alexis?" Alexis then said "Jaden and I got together and now we are boyfriend and girlfriend." Syrus was shocked but then thought that maybe they were destined to get together and he said nothing more and watched the duel.

So Chazz started off by summoning Ojama Yellow in defense mode and threw down a face  down and ended his turn. Jaden drew his card and smiled and then he said "I activate the spell Stop Defense." Ojama Yellow switched to attack mode and then Jaden said "next I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode. Now I attack Ojama Yellow." Then an explosion happened and Chazz had lost 1600 life points and Jaden threw down a face down and ended his turn.

Chazz had gotten angry and then he said "I summon Armed Dragon lv 3 and next I play the spell card Level Up." Then the lv 3 dragon turned into the Armed Dragon lv 5. Jaden said "oh great, not this thing." Chazz then used Armed Dragon lv 5 ability by discarding one monster that has the same or higher attack points then the monster you want to destroy.

Sparkman was no more and next Chazz attacked Jaden directly and ended his turn. Jaden looked angry but he had someone who he was fighting for, and that was Alexis, and he would never give up as long as he still had some fight left in him. Jaden drew his card and said " I play the spell card Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. Next I play Graceful Charity which allows me to draw three cards and discard two. Now I play the card known as Monster Reborn to bring back Slifer the Sky Dragon." Slifer appeared and Chazz was frightened and Slifer's attack was 5000 atk and more than enough to take him down.

Jaden then said "Slifer, with thunder force, attack," and then Armed Dragon lv 5 was obliterated. Chazz fell to the ground in defeat and was angry that he had been beaten by a Slifer slacker. Jaden said to Chazz "that was a great game, you almost had me but if you want to be a great duelist you have to let go of all that anger and trust in yourself." Chazz got up and said "whatever, I don't need this, I got better things to do." Chazz left not just the arena but got on his boat and left the school for good. Jaden watched as the boat sailed into the horizon and then he turned and looked at Syrus and Alexis and they both had a smile.

He then looked deep into Alexis's eyes and saw what she wanted and he didn't hesitate to kiss her. Syrus looked at this and thought 'so she really did fall in love with Jaden. Well I hope that they have the happiest year at Duel Academy.'

At the same time, in the shadows a man was talking to a group of people and the leader said "it is almost time to take what is rightfully ours. Nightshroud, you will be the first to go and take care of that school for me." Nightshroud answered "no problem, they will give us the three Scared Beasts cards and then we will rule the world."

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